Help me out, swedes!


Pure Maiden Of Finland
Dec 28, 2002
Visit site
We're going to Stockholm on the 26th with my husband, and it's been about 5 years since our last visit there, so we could really use some help.

We're only there for one day, so we don't want to waste our time visiting crappy places.
Could you name us a few good record stores, restaurants (and I don't mean shit like Mc Donald's... we want some real food :p ) and maybe a few pubs as well?

We really appreciate all the help we can get :)

Thanks in advance! :wave:
Janina said:
We're going to Stockholm on the 26th with my husband, and it's been about 5 years since our last visit there, so we could really use some help.

We're only there for one day, so we don't want to waste our time visiting crappy places.
Could you name us a few good record stores, restaurants (and I don't mean shit like Mc Donald's... we want some real food :p ) and maybe a few pubs as well?

We really appreciate all the help we can get :)

Thanks in advance! :wave:

lucky girl, have a nice trip
Hehe, Stefan should probably answer this since he lives there.... and Ive not been there that much so I dont really know what places are called :p hehe... I do know..... that in "gamla stan" there is lots of nice expensive restaurants with very good food, but what their name is I have no clue :p
Johanna said:
I do know..... that in "gamla stan" there is lots of nice expensive restaurants with very good food, but what their name is I have no clue :p

Oh well, it doesn't really matter, if it's expensive... we're going on a big spending trip there, so money isn't a problem :D

It would've been great to meet you there, but I hope you'll have fun at Piteå :)
Ok, so now we know a record store, which we will check out for sure, but we're still missing a good restaurant and a bar or two :p

I guess it's useless to ask, if you know a place, where I could buy a few hides, 'cause I wanna make myself a new leather skirt and hides are quite expensive here... I know that a lot of things are a lot cheaper in Sweden, than they are here, so it wouldn't hurt to look :)