help on pronunciations


boo hoo
Oct 13, 2001
ok, i hear people talk about certain bands that i know. but they seem to pronounce them differently than i do and we argue, so how do you pronounce...

dimmu borgir
veds buen endes
and the titles to the first 3 ulver albums
Originally posted by bleedingskeptic
ok, i hear people talk about certain bands that i know. but they seem to pronounce them differently than i do and we argue, so how do you pronounce...

dimmu borgir
veds buen endes
and the titles to the first 3 ulver albums

OK, personally:

Dim-mu Boar-Gear
Vedz Bwen En Dez

And for the ulver albums:

Ber-Gatt: Eh E-ven-tier Aye Five Cap-it-lerr
Nat-tens Mad-rig-all: Aah-teh Him till Ull-ven aye Mand-en

'Theme's from William Blake's "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" 'is pretty self explanatory...

But that's just me. :)
You guys!! It's pronounced Dummy-Burger. :rolleyes: :p :lol: I thought this was going to be another, "How do you pronounce Opeth/Akerfeldt" thread.

Umm, if that's you Phil, you smoke while you sing? Isn't that...painful?
Ved buens Ende is pronounced
"Ved Buens ende" (all e-s like in the word "help" and the u like the "ou" in "could" or almost anyway :p )
It is norwegian and it means "at the end of the bow"
you know the bow with the arrows :p

~mel~ (wonderful at giving descriptions :p )
Originally posted by Opet
You guys!! It's pronounced Dummy-Burger. ]

:lol: Now why didn't I ever think of that??

Honestly, I have heard it pronounced SEVERAL times as:


It does make sense though that the "g" would have a "y" sound, as some have mentioned here. Ah well...they aren't one of my faves anyway:D
Originally posted by Wolfenchild
Ber-Gatt: Eh E-ven-tier Aye Five Cap-it-lerr
Nat-tens Mad-rig-all: Aah-teh Him till Ull-ven aye Mand-en

'Theme's from William Blake's "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" 'is pretty self explanatory...

But that's just me. :)

I would agree, but "Themes.." is their fourth album (or fifth if you count Vargnatt :) )

You missed out Kveldsjanger, which I pronounce:


No idea if that's right tho

Dim-moo Bore-gear....I'm certain

No it´s not.

-D (self explanatory)

-I(like in "in")

-mm(like in huMble)

-U( it´s like OU in "cOUld" or "dU" in swedish)

-B (self explanatory)

-O(like in "on")

-R( these are harsh R´s)

-G(like in "Gang", not like Y like someone said)

-I(like in "in")



This is an icelandic name. The place called Dimmu Borgir
(dim boroughs, dark fortresses/formations/"buildings") is in NW Iceland. It´s a strange lava formation that is thought to be "evil". Big lava turds, that´s what they are. Hey maybe they should call themselves "Lava Turds"

And don´t even THINK you can pronounce Björk right!

... B´coz you can´t

not quite :lol: but it´s funnier that way

actually ö is pronounced like in the british "sIr"
but the harsh r and k form a sound which is unpronouncable for most of ye , (except for maybe some germans, dutch or finns)
Airman dear, no need to explain it further, i AM a fellow icelander :lol:

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