Help, recommend me some drum mics......

ATM 450s for overheads
D112 on kick
57 on snare
either 421's or 57 mods on toms

this is all subjective stuff here, and you'll get a thousand answers...

but there's my recommendations
if you're on a real tight budget.

Samson Q-Tom on rack toms
Samson Q-kick on floor tom
Audix D6 on kick
57 on snare top
Samson C02 pencil condenser on snare bottom
Samson C02 on hats and ride
Samson C01 as overheads

but if you have a little money to work with, 3 pack of 604's on toms
hi can someone tell me more about samson co2s? and samson as a company? i'm on a tight budget but i want our demos to sound damn good.