help this recording newb to improve sounds!


Nov 1, 2003
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I've just made a little for my solo-project and started learning more about recording and trying out stuff and all, especially since I got some new equipment for it.

the url is

there are 3 mp3s online so far, one old recording (with single-tracked guitars, BAD drum-sound and so on, but its my only full-song-recording so far, so I just uploaded it) and 2 shorter clips I recently did, the "excerpt2" is the most up to date one.

please tell me what you think, what you think is wrong with it or what could be better and especially HOW I could do it better!
what are your comments on drums, bass, guitars, synths (synths are only on that most recent clip), mix, mastering,....... everything lol?
God I hate that Myspace player. From what I can tell it sounds good to me. Maybe a little to compressed? I don't know. Songs are cool.
Torniojaws said:
Howdy Hexer ;)

Their player thingy re-encodes the mp3s you send there into their format. That screws up songs a lot, judging from the files I've sent there and comparing.

Howdy ;)

yep, they re-encode the stuff which changes the sound a bit. but you can also simply download the mp3s, right? those arent changed in any way as far as I know

Torniojaws: thanks for your help in the other board man! I get to love you everytime I ask something about recording:) . you never post much, but so far it has always helped me in some way:kickass:

hm, what do you guys think about the drum-sound in that "excerpt2" clip?
I'll change the guitarsound some more anyways, lets see where I can get with it
Hexer - Go to SoundClick and sign up for an account. It's free. You can direct link any song that you upload there. Plus the quality is a lot better than MySpace's mp3 quality. From the MySpace clips, though, it sounds pretty good. I like the first track that came on when I visited your page, the first one called "Memories of Eclipse", cool riffage man. The second version is cool too, but the drums on the other one sounded better. The synths on the second one sound very much like general MIDI samples, hehe.

I suggest getting a SoundClick page...there are no song number restrictions like on MySpace either. :)

yep, I need to find something better for the synths! its not midi, but I figured it should sound better than it does!

you really like the drums on the first clip better? I had to edit quite a bit to make the snare audible at all (and I dont really like the sound of it) and they were pretty compressed (you can hear the cymbals pumping and stuff).... I actually think the drum-sound on the second clip is a bit better

oh, and just for the fun of it and as I'm interested ;) : can someone tell what amp/modeller/whatever I used? (except Torniojaws who already knows lol)