Help to pump up kickdrum... CJWall?

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
I'm in the middle of mixing our new record but I really need some help with the kickdrum. I can't get this pumping sound that hits you in the chest, without interfering with the guitars and bass. Listen to this clip:

Anyone have any ideas on how to make it pump more?

I've been listening to CJWalls Gift of ruin, especially the walking over your sea song. That mix is thrashing!! That kick gives you a punch in the face on all hits!
Usually I boost around 80-90hz .
it really depends on the snare sample or the kick audio track if you go for a natural vibe.
Try changing the pitch of the sample to make it more fat. this way you got a very good starting point then add compression.
Compression change a lot the nature of the sound.
You can even use the same sample pitch shifted (downtuned) mixed with the original sample.

edit: I fucked snare with kick ahahahah
I mean "the kick sample or the kick audio track"
felipe-x said:
man you got awesome killer riffs there :OMG: fix that drum

can you tell me what amp and mic did you use to the guitars and mybe what eq and plugins :)?

What do you mean about fix that drum? elaborate please!

The amp is a savage used with a standard englcab(V60), mic sm57. a little bit of compression in the 150-300 area, and some equing.
Funky Animal said:
WOW! I like it :)..
Kick drum...yeah I'd say boost arond 80-90hz...
Some killer riffs in here indeed!
What did you use for the snare? Triggered it?
Live drums or programmed?


Well the drums are live, but triggered. The snare is a mixture of an trigged drumkit I made myself and someother from DKFHS I think.
kaomao said:
Usually I boost around 80-90hz .
it really depends on the snare sample or the kick audio track if you go for a natural vibe.
Try changing the pitch of the sample to make it more fat. this way you got a very good starting point then add compression.
Compression change a lot the nature of the sound.
You can even use the same sample pitch shifted (downtuned) mixed with the original sample.

Thanks man I'll try some of those tips...
daaamn. class riffs!

thanks for the compliment. your kick doesn't sound bad, but too scooped for my tastes. Sounds like you cut too much around 500hz-ish? I'd also bump that bastard up a bit in the 65hz range.

Daunt has the right idea in sending the original + sample to a group track and compressing and/or EQing both together. kaomao also has the right idea in experimenting with the pitch of your sample. Depending on what tuning I'm, using, I find I have to down-tune my kicks a bit for 'em to sit correctly.

You may also want to try parrallel compression on the said group kick channel. Set up an FX-Channel with your compressor plug of choice and set it to smaaash anything it gets. Then send your kick group to it 'til you hear it get some body and thump.

Hope this helps man.

I want that V60 cab!!
Goddamn Guitar said:
well my copies are all gone :) so I think I did a good job

you guys still were the ones with the absolute superior sound on it.
I tried actually tried to tell the rest of the my band to back out from it just because that our sound sucked big time. Machinery was/is nice too though :p
Noumenon said:
you guys still were the ones with the absolute superior sound on it.
I tried actually tried to tell the rest of the my band to back out from it just because that our sound sucked big time. Machinery was/is nice too though :p

Hmm I actually recall it to sound pretty large last time I listened to it. It was to bad you couldn't play at the Tantogarden gig and get shitfaced with us... We love :kickass: with new bands!
Noumenon said:
Hehe, you're not mixing us up with Jaganata? Our singer used to play bass with them :p Nu-Metal-crap

No, we had a gig with Machinery, Altair and Goatsodomizer that were on the CD. But I think we have played with Jaganata before though... I remember them leaving early cause they had 2 gigs at the same night?