Help tracking softsynths with keyboard Digital Performer


Self Portrait
Jul 19, 2005
Before I get into the specifics of my problem, should this work or am I missing something in the chain?

Old '80's casio with midi in/out connected to G5 mac via an m-audio 1x1 uno usb (driver installed) into DP recording the midi from EWSO.
Should totally work. Make sure your MIDI In is going to MIDI Out, and vice versa. :)

Also make sure there aren't any weird settings going on with the Casio. 80s gear can be strange.
Thanks Shane! Ok, here's my problem: The casio is playing EWSO but it won't record the midi onto the midi track. I have the ins/outs in DP set right I think:
Input - DP input any or Keys any
Output - EWSO
with the instrument track set to EWSO analog out in play mode.
All settings in EWSO are on.
There's no incoming signal in DP either with the casio.
Everything works fine however if I use my mouse to hit the keys on the virtual keyboard in kompakt. The midi will be recorded that way. But that sucks.
Hmm. There's a lot of suspicious things going on with that file... it's really hard to tell what's going on - where's the actual EWSO instrument track?
Oh ok, well that looks correct assuming that MIDI-Keys - Any is the name of the input that you are using for your USB midi interface.

Kazrog to the rescue again! :worship:

This got me thinking and I found out that the midi input should be on "new external device" since that is the name of the icon in midi set up labeled as "usb midi 1x1". It never even crossed my mind that the input should be that.

It works now. So awesome. :kickass:
Thank You!!!