Help with Death Angel


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
I have "Act III" and I like it a lot. A friend just gave me "The Ultra-Violence" as a gift, for some reason I found it less interesting that the third album, but again I have to spin it a lot more. Always in a sense of "completitism" I like to get "Frolic Through The Park". Reading some reviews in another board (known for their lack of sense, but anyway...) I found most reviewers praising the first album, totally bashing the second one and being 50-50 with the third.

Also consider that I have both The Organization albums (the band renamed themselves after Osegueda departure), and they are borderline in early mallcore (funk/metal, whatever), so I accept them, but they are not driving me crazy.

Based on this info Is alright to get "Frolic Through The Park"? Will it fulfill by expectatives or not?

Thanks in advance for the help.
Well I can tell you that they did nothing even close to Act III beofre or since. They started out purely as a thrash band and their sound "matured" and they explored different avenues even acoustic guitar (Room With a View) on Act III. The stuff prior to that is pure thrash, but "Frolic" to me is much better than The Ultra-Violence. If you like late 80's thrash, this is for you as they werde one of the better thrash bands around, but if you are looking for the diversity of Act III stay away.

I don't like "Frolic" that much... not that it's a crappy album, it's just not as memorable as Act III to me, which is much more mature.
My favorite is still Ultra-Violence tho' :worship:

So I guess I belong to your "most reviewers" Wyv ;) Even if I also praise Act III.
Thanks to everybody. Is good to have an intelligent group of counselors helping you to save money :p
I gotta say, back in the day I got hugely into Death Angel and Act III was my favorite (still is) but I think FROLIC THROUGH THE PARK is a great album!!! I loved the song "I'm Bored" , which admittedly seeing this video on headbangers ball at the age of 15 is what turned me onto them, but I also loved their cover of KISS' COLD GIN! Of course, KISS is my favorite band of all time so anyone covering a KISS track is gonna be ok in my book...but anyway, I would get Frolic if you have the cash...if not, Act III is your best bet. I may go hit ebay right now and look for Frolic now that you've got it in my head! haha
You better not be calling us "senseless" Wyv or else ! If you want to go for completion then you might as well pick up "Frolic..". It´s not a bad album but it pales in comparison to "The Ultra-Violence". Although, I guess if you aren´t into that one then you probably won´t like "Frolic..".
Get it! If you have the other 2 why stop now... :)

Frolic is my favorite Death Angel album followed closely by Ultra-Violence. If for no other reason Frolic is worth picking up for the 2 songs Ted mentioned, I'm Bored and their cover of Cold Gin. I'm not a big fan of Act III, way too slick sounding for me.
I like The Ultra-Violence better than the other 2, but I'm very glad I have all 3 albums. So yeah....get it!
AngelWitch73 said:
You better not be calling us "senseless" Wyv or else !
a) I wasn't calling you and the people "home" senseless. You know perfectly which website I'm talking about (so is Fang).

b) It seems that lately I can't post without making a mess up of things. Give BG once more my apologies. I won't bother anyone else there anymore. Thanks for all the good times. Take care.

If you want to go for completion then you might as well pick up "Frolic..". It´s not a bad album but it pales in comparison to "The Ultra-Violence". Although, I guess if you aren´t into that one then you probably won´t like "Frolic..".
I like to be a completist, but I consider "Act III" superior to "The Ultra-Violence", I never say I didn't like it (otherwise I wouldn't have asked you to send it to me). I'm just dubious, because even in this forum people are putting down FTTP compared with TUV (look at th eloquency of IOfTheStorm ;) ).

Most definitively I'll have to look for it and hear some samples and then make my own decision.

Don't get angry with me, peace.
I like some Death Angel and I have Act III and that acoustic song "A Room With A View" is great but their thrash is a little to light for me to like.