Help with Fruityloops.


New Metal Member
Mar 6, 2003
Helsinki Finland
Hi i just got fruityloops studio 4.1 and i was wondering about two questions.
1.How can you make triplets/sixteenthnote triplets in the drum machine?
2. How can you record your own playing wtih the program?

I will highly appreciate any kind of help.
In FruityLoops 3 I usually end up sending the drums to the piano roll and editing events manually. Double-clicking on a beat allows you to change the duration etc.

As for changing it to 12/8 by altering the subdivisions, I found that it messed up the tempo when I did so.
Now I've never used FruityLoops, but doesn't it make sense that when you switch from 8/8 to 12/8 and want to maintain the tempo, you'll have to change the BPM to (previous bpm * (12 / 8))?

For example, if you had a tempo of 120 in 8/8 and you change to a 12/8 signature you'd take 120 * 1.5 and end up with a bpm of 180.

Now I know fuck all about music theory but I do stuff like that to switch between 8/8 and 12/8 in songs.
It's just that Fruityloops doesn't take any notice of how many beats are in a bar or how long the bar is. You can change both these parameters and yet every note remains exactly the same duration. If I go to 12/8 from 4/4 and keep the tempo the same, the notes should be 2/3 the length but the bar duration should stay the same since both signatures are basically 4-beat ones. Fruityloops doesn't do this; if I ask for 12/8, it makes the bar take 50% longer. Try it in Powertab to see how it should sound.