Help with getting started as a vocalist


New Metal Member
Jun 25, 2010
hey there everyone, im relatively new to being a metal vocalist, i wanted to start doing minor recording for basic youtube videos to get my self out there and into a band, to give you an idea as to what i sound like is very close to the band sea of treachery, what kind of mic and equipment am i looking for? also as a side note, whats some good tricks/theatrics a metal vocalist can do? metal on brothers!
My advice would be to not worry too much about recording for youtube. At the most film yourself on a normal video camera doing a cover through a pa.
I think the best thing you can do to get in bands is advertise then get yourself out there and do some tryouts and rehearsals with bands. I practiced at home for about a year, but when i joined a band i came leaps and bounds very very quickly.
The practice you get in a band is second to none. The advice about warm drinks is helpful, and definately avoid milk. I also try and get a warm tea in before i practice or perform, and try room temperature water instead of cold.
Also dude, as far as basic equipment and gear goes you will need a mic and p.a for jamming.
I would recommend a shure sm58 mic to get you started, cant go wrongwith these for metal, and probably just a cheap behringer pa or something to get you through band practices.
first off to the opera guys this is a metal forum, youre in the wrong place. second off i appreciate the replies, i got myself an sm58 and managed to put up a couple videos on youtube to show a band what im capable of. they become interested immediately and we are in the process of hammering out some music and lyrics, ill post some material when i have it and hopefully well do a show soon!
Hey man, congrats on starting up vocals.

First of all, I don't mean to sound condescending but you should make sure you know exactly what you're doing. Make sure you're at least 16 and make sure you feel NO PAIN AT ALL when you're screaming. If you feel pain you're doing it wrong and you're going to seriously damage your throat.

Yeah, the sm58 is what I have. I feel like I should have saved up and bought a beta but whatever, I think that's a good decision for a first mic.

As for people saying to not record yourself, I think that recording yourself is actually a very very good idea. Sometimes what we think we sound like and what we actually sound like is very, very different. Record yourself whenever you practice, I would say. That way you can track yourself, listen to it, and find out what you need the most work on. Then, the next time you practice, you can go about fixing it.

Also, I would try and practice for at least 10-15 minutes everyday. When I first started out I was living at home and it was hard to get alone in the house to practice, so I ended up practicing about one or two songs once a month. That really hurt my development. Even if you're just singing, practicing any kind of vocals at least once a day is going to help out A LOT.

Good luck, man! Stay metal!
if you haven't take vocal lessons. Train the voice, learn to articulate well, even if what you work on is NOT metal, it will help you later.
Also, I would try and practice for at least 10-15 minutes everyday. When I first started out I was living at home and it was hard to get alone in the house to practice, so I ended up practicing about one or two songs once a month. That really hurt my development. Even if you're just singing, practicing any kind of vocals at least once a day is going to help out A LOT.

Good point. I'd also say: learn how to sing clean first, and then try anything else.
Yeah I just went straight into screaming. I don't think that learning to clean sing LATER will be less effective than learning to clean sing FIRST, but it will help you learn the proper technique so that you don't hurt yourself! Remember to breathe from the diaphraghm and to USE THOSE FALSE CHORDS. Never never inhale!

Also drink tons of water! A lot of people find that having mucus helps, and I really think it depends what style you're using--personally I find that if I have a lot of mucus not only will I sound terrible, but I'll have a much higher chance of doing damage to my throat.
This is ma second post, but yeah.

As a DM and BM vocalist I can give you a few good tips for a starter.

Do the "Sigh Technique". Just do a sigh, like you walk in the door and you give a loud sigh; because you had a shitty day. Now, keep doing that, but add some more rasp to it. Keep doing that, then try changing pitches with it.

Once you have that down, then you can add power from the diaphragm; and take it from there.

Basically though, just try to sound like a monster.
I don't know why anyone would do a childish thing as to film themselves singing or for the worst, growling, and putting it on jewtube. Personally I'd never "employ" some poser who films himself screaming like an idiot. That kind of advertising completely misses the point of metal. There are tons of kids out there doing such things and attracting people with the same mentality, thus starting another poser fake-ass band. If you want to find a band, do it the old fashion way, meet people, go to concerts, stop being a poser and dedicate your time to music instead of your egocentric need of getting out. If that doesn't work then try to start a band of your own, if you can play something, that is. Good luck.
There have been some good suggestions here, you'll have to find what works for you. As far as what I do for vox (you can listen to our style at the links below), it's probably closest to the dude who mention sighing and then trying to add rasp. I usually add rasp with the top of my throat, since I'm a little higher in register. The guy who does the lower vox layer for us adds rasp deeper down inside. You'll have to figure out what fits you best. But the most important thing is to breathe. Take nice lung-fulls of air and make sure that you're projecting.

Also - you don't have to put it up on YouTube, but recording yourself is a good idea. You sound way different in your head than you do to other people. Record it, see where you need to improve, and record it again until you sound like you want to sound.

Lastly - as far as mucous production goes, I like it. I think it helps, and it relieves stress on the vox chords for the style of growls that I do. But if you're doing more like Maiden/Priest kinda metal vox, then shy away from milk, chocolate, etc.

Oh - and never EVER eat spicy food before you growl. It will not be pleasant. Learned that one the hard way.
They say practice makes perfect and progress, better practice a lot. Ignore those people that are letting you down, also be inspired.
They say practice makes perfect and progress, better practice a lot. Ignore those people that are letting you down, also be inspired.

Wait, that's not always true. It really depends on how much you practice, and "a lot" is too generic. Personally, I'd suggest a program like, the first day you do a complete set and the second just half an hour of exercises, and so on :Spin:
I used to live at home with the folks, but they didnt care to much, so I just got an amp and a crappy mic, I just practised EVERY day, even up to an hour a day, now ive left home, in a band, recording demos in the studio, tis aaaallllll good :)