Help with keyboards (high fives payment)

Jan 11, 2007
Hi, I am working on a song of my own at the moment and would like some keyboards during a small portion of the song. I have a cheap keyboard and midi interface but I really suck at using it. I am pretty much a caveman.

What I am looking for is for someone to play/program some keys over small section for me. Then post the midi and a rendered wave file of the part. I am thinkg a choir type of sound, but I am open to expirmentation. The part I am talking about starts around 3:36 and goes to about 3:50.

Here is an mp3 of the song in progress. Note there is no bass guitar yet.

Here is a wave file of the song.

The song is at 285 bpm. The guitar is tuned down one whole step to "d" standard. The chord progression is in actually pitches:

A----G----A#--A -----
D#--D#--G----F -----bass notes

It doen't have to be these exact notes. I would like to hear whatever you think sounds cool.

In return for helping me out I will provide you with the most awe inspiring rocking hive fives ever. Like if you were a ninja turtle and just defeated a Shredder and saved April O'Neil and then got a victory high five. Like that but even better.*

Low fives also available.*

*Midget Donkey will not provide transportation to get high or low fives. So if your in Sweden or BFE you have to come to kentucky to get your fives.
Guys maybe I didn't mention how totally mind blowing these high fives are enough. Well they are mind blowing. Super duper mind blowing. So somebody help me out.
I am not sure if now what you mean by reference. I envision something in my head that is choir or orchestra, but I am open to anything some one would like to try.
Thanks for the help fellas. I have what I need now. Your high fives are ready whenever you want to travel half way around the world to get them.