H holyhavok Producer Apr 18, 2008 91 0 6 Denver, Colorado www.myspace.com Sep 2, 2008 #1 I have a Mbox 2, but do NOT want to use the Pro Tools that came with it. Is there a way to still install the drivers and whatnot needed to make the MBox run, and use this with a different program other than pro tools?
I have a Mbox 2, but do NOT want to use the Pro Tools that came with it. Is there a way to still install the drivers and whatnot needed to make the MBox run, and use this with a different program other than pro tools?
Genius Gone Insane http://www.¯\(°_o)/¯.com Aug 19, 2003 5,722 18 38 San Francisco Bay Area www. ̄\(°_o) Sep 2, 2008 #2 My digidesign hardware works pretty seemlessly with other DAWs.
Razorjack Bass Behemoth Jun 13, 2004 1,991 0 36 Manchester, UK www.pythiamusic.com Sep 2, 2008 #3 Yes, you can use it like any other USB interface. I run my MBox Mini with PTLE, Logic, DP and Cubase with no problems.
Yes, you can use it like any other USB interface. I run my MBox Mini with PTLE, Logic, DP and Cubase with no problems.
Loren Littlejohn Lover of all boobage. Aug 20, 2006 11,737 38 48 Auburn NY- we grow em you listen www.myspace.com Sep 2, 2008 #4 Yeah I rock the mbox 2 in cubase from time to time. It should work.
H holyhavok Producer Apr 18, 2008 91 0 6 Denver, Colorado www.myspace.com Sep 2, 2008 #5 Nice Thanks guys. Now does this sound correct--- If I run a DI box to it, I should be able to track both a DI input on guitars, AND, Get the mic'd signal as well on a diff channel?
Nice Thanks guys. Now does this sound correct--- If I run a DI box to it, I should be able to track both a DI input on guitars, AND, Get the mic'd signal as well on a diff channel?
F felipe-x Member Dec 7, 2004 1,109 0 36 santiago, chile Sep 2, 2008 #6 yeah you can is awesome go to digidesing.com and donwload asio digidesign wave drivers for your mbox2, its free, just need to register in the site cheerts
yeah you can is awesome go to digidesing.com and donwload asio digidesign wave drivers for your mbox2, its free, just need to register in the site cheerts