help with my newest mix


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2007
Well, I've been working on this mix for a while, I definitely think its my best work yet but I still see room for improvement. So tell me what you guys think, help me improve my product :) I wrote, performed, and mixed this myself, which is not really uncommon around here, but I'm still interested in anyones thoughts!

The guitars are my peavey xxx and the bass is an ibanez 5 string. I used Superior 2.0 for drums and a lot of different synths.
Very interesting! I like the synths to a degree, being a fan of trance music.
The guitars- Mebie a little to loud for my taste, the sound is very "round" to me and lacks some clarity to me. Drums sound good, and leads were great.
Just a little bass heavy. Im amazed how the drums are cutting through with the guitars and bass as cranked as they are, I could never get that with em cranked like they are. The whole idea I think is great, a little more revision and tweaking and then on to the next!
Very interesting! I like the synths to a degree, being a fan of trance music.
The guitars- Mebie a little to loud for my taste, the sound is very "round" to me and lacks some clarity to me. Drums sound good, and leads were great.
Just a little bass heavy. Im amazed how the drums are cutting through with the guitars and bass as cranked as they are, I could never get that with em cranked like they are. The whole idea I think is great, a little more revision and tweaking and then on to the next!

Alright, when I get home I'll try turning down the bass and gtrs a little bit. As for clarity, any ideas on what to do about that? I've noticed myself the guitars are a little foggy but I'm at a loss as to what to do, maybe a different impulse. I'm gonna add in some more light synths too during the chorus so I should address the clarity on the guitars.

I'm glad you enjoyed the song writing too! Anyone else?
Very interesting! I like the synths to a degree, being a fan of trance music.
The guitars- Mebie a little to loud for my taste, the sound is very "round" to me and lacks some clarity to me. Drums sound good, and leads were great.
Just a little bass heavy. Im amazed how the drums are cutting through with the guitars and bass as cranked as they are, I could never get that with em cranked like they are. The whole idea I think is great, a little more revision and tweaking and then on to the next!

I disagree, the mix is not bass heavy. The guitars sound really thin and are lacking that low end from the bass to help fill out those remaining missing frequencies. I think if anything this mix needs more low end coming from the bass guitar to fill it out and make it sound "thick" and the guitars are not too loud, they are perfect
I disagree, the mix is not bass heavy. The guitars sound really thin and are lacking that low end from the bass to help fill out those remaining missing frequencies. I think if anything this mix needs more low end coming from the bass guitar to fill it out and make it sound "thick" and the guitars are not too loud, they are perfect

I'll check, you may be right, but I'm pretty positive there is some serious bass coming out of the bass track already. I'll still check though, thanks!
I'm not talking about sub-bass (30hz), I'm talking from 63hz up, but make sure you leave room for the kick to breathe. What's your monitoring setup like, you may have some bass traps building up
To put it generously my monitor set up is less than ideal. I am making the changes to the track right now so we'll see where it takes me.
Ok so I made some changes based on suggestions and this is what I arrived at. Hopefully it is improved, let me know what you think!