I am looking for an online CD store I ordered stuff from a while back and I can't remember the name of it
...here's what I remember...
The background was white with small thumbnails of their new releases available. Under each release was a link to listen to three clips from the album. As I recall they were fairly cheap and reasonable with shipping. They sold mostly melodic rock but I think a little bit of metal. If this sounds familiar to anybody, please post a link (even if you think you know what it is). I would be so greatful!!!
I know it's NOT:
The End

The background was white with small thumbnails of their new releases available. Under each release was a link to listen to three clips from the album. As I recall they were fairly cheap and reasonable with shipping. They sold mostly melodic rock but I think a little bit of metal. If this sounds familiar to anybody, please post a link (even if you think you know what it is). I would be so greatful!!!

I know it's NOT:
The End