help with pro tools LE

Jan 22, 2006
hey guys!
my friend has some problems with bouncing tracks in pro tools.i´m working with cubase and can bounce to tracks in a few seconds.he only manages to bounce tracks in realtime which takes lot of you know how to bounce in short time in pro tools???
Ya PT is gay that's fucken real genius, professors, ya it's gay, that's why fucken EVERYONE uses it. Ya fucken brilliant, Harvard is going to have a hard time choosing who to accept this year. Fucken brilliant. Keep sharing your all-knowing words of wisdom, I find it entertaining.
Ya PT is gay that's fucken real genius, professors, ya it's gay, that's why fucken EVERYONE uses it. Ya fucken brilliant, Harvard is going to have a hard time choosing who to accept this year. Fucken brilliant. Keep sharing your all-knowing words of wisdom, I find it entertaining.

Oh grow up, I'm fucking around. Obviously PT is industry standard for a reason, but that doesn't change the fact that ProTools LE is completely short-featured vs. every other prosumer level DAW on the market.
Does everything i need and then some personally. When I'm at a more professional level yea maybe i will need unlimited tracks. By then i will just buy the hd rig. But with 48 tracks I'm yet to even come close to its limit. Let me ask do you have beat detective in your program? There is quite a few features protools has that others don't. So i guess i should say your program is gay cause you lack beat detective.

Get my point about bashing programs yet? IT'S STUPID!
Being someone who uses both pro tools and cubase.

Let me say this:

Pro tools LE is currently a piece of shit for me. Actually it was a piece of shit on my other OS as well. I like to mix on it, as far as recording goes however it's a piece of shitty shit shit god damned motherfucker bastard piece of shit.


Pro Tools HD is awesome and I would love to be up in that pussy.
Does everything i need and then some personally. When I'm at a more professional level yea maybe i will need unlimited tracks. By then i will just buy the hd rig. But with 48 tracks I'm yet to even come close to its limit. Let me ask do you have beat detective in your program? There is quite a few features protools has that others don't. So i guess i should say your program is gay cause you lack beat detective.

Get my point about bashing programs yet? IT'S STUPID!

I don't think I would ever have a use for Beat Detective anyways, and Reaper can automatically trim all my drum tracks at the transient and align to a grid if I so desire.

I'd rather just re-track until the performance was good enough, I don't like the idea of chopping up drums and moving hits around at all...
I've found that mixes bounced faster than realtime don't sound as good, and for that reason this aspect of Pro Tools stopped bothering me.

bouncing in realtime isn´t that much of the problem,it´s more that my friend needs to export dry vocaltracks to a studio to put them to the rest of the project and can´t find a way to bounce all at once but still seperated in the end.if it´s in realtime is not the worst,it´s that he has sometimes 10 voc-harmonies (background etc.) and has to export every single one in bouncing one song for his needs sometimes takes 2 hours.
is there at least a way to bounce all tracks at the same time ,but have them as seperated tracks in the end (like i know from cubase "bounce to file")
select all the regions.
Press alt+shift+3.

Then hit export regions as files.
That takes about 20 seconds
thanks man,i´m only curious if this works for PT LE also!

Yes, it does.

I also have never understood why people bash on Pro Tools LE so much. Like broken81, I have never encountered a situation where it couldn't accomplish what I wanted it to, and I have never felt that it it was limiting me too much. Sure, an HD rig would be nice, but if you're familiar with LE and know your way around pretty well, then you will get by just fine!

I'd rather just re-track until the performance was good enough, I don't like the idea of chopping up drums and moving hits around at all...

Although this is a good outlook to have as often as possible, it's short-sighted to claim that you would never find Beat Detective useful, just because you would rather re-track. What happens when you're recording a talented drummer one day who just can't get his playing together, no matter how many takes you give him? Are you going to leave his playing sounding like the crap that it is, leaving you without a sense of pride in the final product? Are you going to tell the drummer that you can't record his band anymore because he can't play well enough?