Help with reamping PT8


Mar 1, 2009
Hi guys,

I have this problem in PT8 that i can't hear the mic'd track in playback.

Ok to break it down, i'm sending my DI track out Line Out 3 (Mbox 2 Pro) to reamp box (Little labs Redeye), to amp.... everything is fine, i hear the track trough my 6505, now i think the problem software based in PT. Basically, i can hear the signal (amp buzz) when mic tracks are record enabled, i can also record the mic in record mode and then hear it on playback,

The thing is i want to play the DI track and change the mic position on the fly in playback mode but i can't hear the mic'd 57 track in playback mode? Any help?

By the way i tried the Low latency monitoring in the options menu but that did not help
Yeah, select the track you are recording to, then go to "Track>Input Only Monitoring" should solve it for you. If that doesn't work for some reason, create an Aux Input and set the input to be the same as the track you are recording to. You can always monitor input through an Aux no matter what PT is doing.
Nice one guys!! That worked out great!

Thanks so much for the help and also the fast reply! :headbang: :kickass: