Help with tracks and volume (Using Logic Pro)


Feb 1, 2008
So, I've noticed something a little strange about the way tracks work together when recording. I think I may be on to how it works, but I need to know if anyone else experiences this and if you could explain it.

Some tracks will get louder, and the tone seems to change a good amount if the doubled tracks (guitar and bass) are not perfectly on line with each other. To get the full and "real" tone, I make sure the copied tracks (at least 4 for guitar) are always perfectly lined up. However, I am still getting changes in volume, which makes it very hard. It's like one riff sounds great in the mix, and then the next just sounds harsh.

This is really frustrating, and Logic Pro doesn't have volume/fader tool if you know what I mean. The tool that allows you to change volumes at different locations in the track.

Is this normal? Does anyone else ever experience this?
Unfortunately, yes. Since I have mainly been trying to learn how to mix and master properly, I guess I rushed and copy and pasted most tracks. I am guessing this is why things aren't working properly?
I think you guessed right. What you are doing will not work man, sorry. Automation will not help you. Try recording that part again, overdub that guitar.
If you take a copy of a track, delay it, and sum it with the original clip, you'll get comb filtering. If you're positive the copy is in the EXACT same spot as the original, then I'm not sure why it would be sounding odd or phasing in and out
This is really frustrating, and Logic Pro doesn't have volume/fader tool if you know what I mean. The tool that allows you to change volumes at different locations in the track.

Is this normal? Does anyone else ever experience this?

This is called Automation,

and yes, Logic does have it.

just hit "A" in the arrange window and all automation lanes should become visible.

I suggest you read the manual and learn how to use your tools before declaring what a piece of software does or doesn't do :)