

non serviam
Oct 27, 2005
ok my problem is with my computer, its been overheating and I dont know why.
I have it set to shut itself off once it hits around 27 C. I am monitering it with asus probe and it is my cpu that is heating up.

I checked the fans inside and they are all working properly. I think it might be my memory is almost full I have about 4 gigs left on the drive and thats it. would that be the problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks
I know you checked the fans, but did you make sure to clean all the heatsinks etc.? Also did you overclock your CPU? Memory is usually associated with RAM ( Random Access Memory ), but in this case what you mean is disk drive space. It doesn't matter if your hard disk is full or not, it makes no difference whatsoever in terms of being a heating factor. I would check the heatsinks, and make sure that the orifices your casing has where the hot air can escape are not clogged with dust.
you should change the Bios settings unless you're talking about an older CPU 27 degrees celsius is by no means hot(most p4s for example idle between 35 and 50)... basically you have an extremely low warning/shutdown temp and should raise that.
And are the fans suited for you cpu? They might be working but if they're too small, it'll overheat anyway. Brood of evil is right btw. HD space does not matter, overclocking does, So does hyperthreading. If you do that, you will need bigger fans.