Helpting The World To See guitar tone


May 22, 2003
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This is mainly a question for Bjorn or John, but if anyone else knows feel free to comment. How did you guys get the tone on this album... i was listening to it the other day and ive decided that this album has my favorite guitar tone, especially in By Your Bedside and Spirit of the Soldier. I just switched from bass to guitar, and im a beginner, so dont get too confusing :p
2 fizzy distortions, not the way to go in the long run, at the time it seemed perfect.

But yeah, use a 5150 or something similar to that, for the solid body tone, and for the crunch use a line 6 podxt. that would be the way to go these days. haha whats up with that kowala lol
Don't you guys also have some aftermarket pickups? Like EMG 81's or something?

I got a Zoom3030, its got a nice distortion that sounds pretty close to HTWTS. My guitar doesn't like the low tuning though with a set of 9's for strings.
EMG 81's rock man. I got a couple of those in my ESP.

When we recorded with Will we used my Line 6 Flextone II Plus for the leads and the rythms were a combination of my peavey triple XXX and some marshall amp supplied from Livinghead Studios. Altogether the rythm sounded good except for when we did single not palm mutes the sound was dull. Why am I talking about my recording? That Line 6 POD thing rocks, we used one of those for our first demo. (agh, stop talking about my band!) Anyways, yeah, they kick ass.