
Alexi can't be 5'4! That's waaaayyyy to fuckin short! Even a 12 year old girl can be talller than that. And stop calling Alexi a midget! It's not nice! WHo gives a fuck how tall he is. He's the best guitarist in the world and pwns all of you!

dude. stfu. i'm 5'4", and im not a 12 year old girl, im 18.
There is an interview with Henkka some where which says that he is 6'1, Jaska is 5'11. Janne and Roope are 5'9 and Alexi is 5'8 and 1/2.
^ Very nice. :) I seriously don't see how height has anything to do with, well, anything. People are always associating it with something whether it be a characteristic or other body parts :rolleyes: but seriously that's just setting up categories for stereotypes. It's pointless.
Wow, i didn't know Janne, Jaska, and Roope were in their 5's. I thought they were all 6 feet tall. Ok, 5'4 isn't that bad. At least Alexi isn't 5'1 like a certain person i know.
Wow, i didn't know Janne, Jaska, and Roope were in their 5's. I thought they were all 6 feet tall. Ok, 5'4 isn't that bad. At least Alexi isn't 5'1 like a certain person i know.

Hey whats wrong with being 5'1"?!?!?! Me im not even that tall, I'm 5 and a HALF inch, and proud of it :kickass: When I met Alexi he was only about.. lets say.. 3 MAYBE 4 inches taller than me.. 5 at the MOST. and you know what I dont see what the harm is in wondering how tall a person is? like whats the big deal?! its human nature to ask questions such as that.. its called curiosity.. which leads me to my next question! Does anyone know their astrologoical signs? I'm interested in knowing.. and whoever doesnt like that? can lick my asshole. :)