here i talk about the relationship issues of my roommates and ask for advice


Nov 8, 2001
New York City i can seem smart when i next talk to them. I will give you all the facts and you will post your opinions. Capiche?

I live with a couple of guys and a girl who I will call L. L's boyfriend, D, essentially lives with us as well. I think he's spent one or fewer nights away from our apartment in the past year.

D is cool and fun and we enjoy having him around. In addition, L and D are perfect for each other.

D is in a band with three other guys. The band's profits pay for their rent. The drummer gets a check every month to pay half the rent on the apartment he shares with his girlfriend, and the other three--D included--share an apartment paid for entirely by band profits.

But a few months ago, the band began making too much money, and the three were evicted from their low-income housing and had to find a new apartment. They had to look fast, and found an affordable two-bedroom apartment without much of a common room to speak of. D's got a mattress in one of the large bedrooms, but he's never used it, and it's essentially the guitarist's bedroom.

Now. L is becoming conscious of the fact that the band considers D to be living with her. She found out his name is not on the mailbox there, and the guitarist is bitching about hopefully soon getting rid of "that damn mattress in my room". D's offered to give L rent before, but she made it clear that she does not want to be in a "living with" situation, where money and bills can fuck a relationship up and a person has nowhere to go to when they want to have their own space.

D has nowhere to go--his band basically squeezed him out of the apartment when they found one, assuming (without his consent) that he was officially living with L. L wants him around, for sure, but wants him to have his own place to keep up the fiction of living apart--which I think is understandable.

What can she do? Is it overly spiteful to insist, as I suggested, that now that they're not being pressed by eviction, the band find a new three-bedroom apartment, and move AGAIN? Solely because she wants there to be a room that D's never going to sleep in? The common room is about ten by five, so that's not an option for D. And, she has to be careful not to seem like the typical hated band girlfriend; she also doesn't want to cause friction between him and his bandmates. Her idea was to tell him he had to sleep at his apartment every now and then, but I think that just spites everyone--she doesn't get to have him around, he doesn't get to be around her, his roommates are pissed that they have to haul out a mattress and make room for him...

Tell the band to make sure they get paid in cash and quit reporting it so they don't get evicted from their low income housing. But hindsight is always 20/20.

But, if the guy doesn't sleep at his place ever anyway, there is no use spending that extra cash just to keep the illusion. Time to suck it up and move in together, I guess.
They faked the reporting for years, but now they make enough in non-cash venues that goes through their managing group that they can no longer do it.

Don't you think that L will resent being "forced" into moving in together, and that will fuck up an otherwise great relationship?
maybe, but it really does seem like the easiest answer and she's probably just scared of the idea. personally, I think living with my woman is great. She needed convincing at first too, but it worked out just fine.
my gf and i lived with a roommate for awhile. it was fine. and it's not as if L doesn't already live with a bunch of guys, right? it's not the like the dude can't go off and do his own thing even if they are sleeping in the same place.
no, that's good. i encourage people to comment on the original post and ignore our subsequent musings!

so you think the fiction is unnecessary. i'm not so sure...I'm kind of with Dan Savage in terms of my opinions on relationships, in that sometimes fictions are necessary. (a week or two ago he reprinted his column encouraging a woman to pretend her boyfriend didn't go to strip clubs, as long as they unspokenly understood NO TOUCHING and stuff, for example).

since most of you so far seem to be in agreement, maybe I have to figure out how to suggest that to her without making her feel pressured.
hmm true avi. AND, truthfully, this is a perfect time for them to move in together. She can afford to live without him, so if things get unpleasant and he needs to be on his way, there's no "stay together til our lease is up" crap, and he can go to the band apartment.
Originally posted by xfer

so you think the fiction is unnecessary. i'm not so sure...I'm kind of with Dan Savage in terms of my opinions on relationships, in that sometimes fictions are necessary. (a week or two ago he reprinted his column encouraging a woman to pretend her boyfriend didn't go to strip clubs, as long as they unspokenly understood NO TOUCHING and stuff, for example).

oh man.

i don't think i'd agree with that at all, but would be interested in tracking that down and reading it.
well... the girlfriend needs to face it that sooner or later someone isn't going to like her 100% if she asks for what she ideally wants. tell her to suck it the fuck up and get a backbone, or stop bitching.