Here we go.. This is why sometimes I hate bush...

it's just like i've been saying we should do all along... if the Mexican government cant keep their people on their own land, then we'll just take over Mexico and make it our 51st state.
same with Canada. we may as well take them, too.

Can you imagine what making Mexico the 51st state would do to our welfare system?????
I very rarely talk politics here because I'm usually about fun and games. But this topic reminded me of something I went through about 1 1/2 years ago.

I am a college professor (History) and was asked by a colleague of mine to debate the pro side of the Iraqi War at another more prestigious college against an ex-Vietnam vet who was anti war and pro- pullout.

I wasn't chosen by my colleague because of my great speaking skills but because he couldn't find ONE College professor in our area that would dare to speak pro-war. It can (they say) get you into trouble with your administrators and collegues .This college I spoke at has a pretty vocal Muslim minority and student body is made up of about 50% Asian/Indian.

To say the least the crowd was hostile. But my tactic was never to bring up Bush's name because basically I think he is a buffoon and some of the stuff he does is just is indefensible . My point that I tried to get through to these knuckleheads was that we have spent so much time letting Islamo-Facists walk all over us way before 911 to kill our people unabated. The Vietnam Vet was all about Bush and played to the crowd.

I researched and did my homework basically reeling off to the crowd dates of terrorist attacks and our non responsive stance to those attacks. Unfortunately my idea of being pro active in exterminating these Islamo-Fascists is not the same as Bush’s

In the end I might have got some people thinking, but I'm sure I didn't change anyone's mind since they were there to boo me. But I was careful not use Bush's name just hammer home the point that it is our duty to destroy Islamo Fascism at every turn. So I can see where Bush can frustrate people who want these terrorists dead.

I just am of the opinion if we didnt have a fuck up in the whitehouse we could of Killed them all had a ball and ended this fuckin crisis

Best Regards,

Can you imagine what making Mexico the 51st state would do to our welfare system?????

that takes me to another idea i had to answer all those pro-open boarders jerks that claim the Mexicans are doing the work Americans wont take.

after sealing the boarder up tight and leveling HEAVY penalties on any business that uses illegals as labor, we give those we have on the welfare rolls now [who are physically able] the option of taking these jobs or losing their benefits.

their welfare checks would be adjusted to reflect what they earn from their jobs.
since many of these jobs ARE low-paying and there are no benefits, to speak of, their medical benefits would stay, but again, that would be contingent upon their taking on one of these jobs and showing a willingness to work.

BUT, since nobody wanted to run with that idea, i guess just making Mexico the 51st state and applying our tax laws to them, just as any other state, will do.
HOWEVER, NOBODY that currently sits in government positions in Mexico can remain. they're questionably corrupt and proven incompetent. when we own them, it's gonna be a new deal.
Ummm...Sue...Mexico would actually be our 52nd state....Hawaii is our 51st...there are 48 contingent states, then Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico...

sorry to threadjacking intended...

I actually thought that would be a great idea if we assume control over their country using Eminent Domain principals. They owe us tons of money...we could forgive that debt and just assume control over their country. Split each region into seperate states and hold emergency elections for someone local to be governor of each state.

This would accomplish a couple of things...those companies who were traitors to our country and moved to Mexico would then be back under the jurisdiction of our tax system...and our worker's rights well as minimum wage requirements...get where I'm heading with this?

It would also basically say that Mexicans would no longer have to cross the border because they would all be American citizens...

As far as the conundrum of the welfare system breakdown...welfare is seperately run by each they would need time to get the tax revenue from the businesses who relocated there to make sure any programs were administered fairly...but the best way to solve that problem would be to give the people what they want...which is jobs...let them rebuild their own country...

hehehe...I plaigerized myself:
Another controversial solution would be to cede Mexico into the United States as part of an "eminent domain" action. This would offer solutions to several issues currently plaguing our country. Mexican citizens would no longer be making the long and sometimes deadly exodus to the United States for jobs. They would already BE citizens. Companies who have downsized and moved to Mexico could consider themselves the first to help industrialize this formerly impoverished country and would again be contributing to the economy that will be helping these new U.S. citizens adapt. We would also have a much smaller border to protect at the borders of Guatemala and Belize...countries who already protect their borders sufficiently.
I just am of the opinion if we didnt have a fuck up in the whitehouse we could of Killed them all had a ball and ended this fuckin crisis

Perhaps. But the problem is, the US is the only country in the world that is willing to fight a "civilised, gentlemen's war" like we're in the eighteenth century or something.

SOoooo careful not to cause civilian death, even though our collateral damage policy hasunnecessarily thrown all the lucky survivors back into the stone age, making them unemployed, PISSED off, and ready to lay down theri lives just to blow up one of our passing vehicles.

Every other country in the world knows how to fight a WAR: avoid contact with lethal forces and target the weak and easy to kill. They target civilians. They target houses. They blow up marketplaces, burn down schools, and cause as much havoc as possible, all while avoiding the enemy army, which has nasty things like artillery and aircraft.

Russia in Afghanistan and Chechnya. Iran vs. Iraq. Bosnian snipers. War of the Horn. Rwanda. Darfur. Intifada I and II.

And now downtown Baghdad.