OK - It's Official. I am 100% behind the throwing Bush out of office..

Dr.TEETH said:
WHAT???. Do you have a problem with the prophet Mohammed, ( many

blessings be upon his name.)???? ..................

Well... Jihad for you.

Just Kidding ......you Infidel !!!


I belive Mohammed would totaly dig the new Ministry-CD if he was still around.
Dr.TEETH said:
C'mon Billy.... I can't believe that a person of your musical stature is buying

into a site that promotes Ann Coulter.

That cunt is the definition of Anti-Rocknroll. She represents the Boss Man.

little miss censorship ... if you will. If you have been reading the news.,..you

will know that GW Bush has been signing bills that censor what us rock n

rollers have to say. Miss Censorship is a Knee jerk supporter of GW Bossman.

You seem to be brainwashed by FOX News... the mouthpiece of the New

World Order, and I find it sad that that a hardcore motherfucker, such as

yourself , is bowing down to the man. You are selling us out, baby!!!

Rock N Roll is anti-authority... no matter what side of your childish political

spectrum that you are speaking from.

i've been listenin to the devil's music for 10 years now, and I find your

support of the the conservative prude movement ....well...sad.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that you are supporting the Pat

Robertson/Jerry Falwell/GW Bush censorship-totalitarian way of life. Open

your eyes... and come join us. You're too important to be Brain washed by

these prudes!!

jackass, have you ever heard of Tipper Gore? A Dem started the censorship movement:rolleyes: .
MyHatred said:
jackass, have you ever heard of Tipper Gore? A Dem started the censorship movement:rolleyes: .

Assjack!!!....Yes I have. And if it was 20 years ago, and she and Big Al were

still in power, I'd be raising holy hell about them. But they, and the rest of

the Democrats do not have any power right now.

FYI, Not all people label themselves as either a Democrat or a Repubican. Some folks prefer to think their

own thoughts. Just because somebody criticizes one group of politicians, It doesn't mean

that they automatically support the other group. If you blindly pledge allegience

to either one of those parties, you are falling into their mind control trap...

and that makes you a sheep...IMO. Not everybody has the closed mind that

you seem to posess. Do everybody a favor, and think for yourself.
Yeah, I want 8 more years of republicans so that we can have more Ministry wickedness!

Dr. Teeth...you say you don't line yourself up with Dummycrats, yet repeat their evil mantra...I have had a rant coming on in my head for some time because it's bullshit how people are characterizing "conservatives" as holy-rolling bible-toting evangelists...and not all of us are. Some of us are horns-high blackest of the black kill em all and take names later metal up your ass motherfuckers.

Tipper Whore and her ignorant husband should have both been burned at the stake. You say "20 years ago" like we should forgive her advocacy of the censorship that we have today. The only thing I am glad of is that her lame attempts to censor our music only brought it further into the forefront. Kids would buy music from bands that had the "explicit lyrics" sticker on it...and refused to buy the censored crap from Wal-Mart and K-Mart. While I hate her for being the Mother of Musical Censorship, I give her a tight-lipped thanks for increasing music sales of my favorite bands.
Dr Demented said:
The only thing I am glad of is that her lame attempts to censor our music only brought it further into the forefront. Kids would buy music from bands that had the "explicit lyrics" sticker on it...and refused to buy the censored crap from Wal-Mart and K-Mart. While I hate her for being the Mother of Musical Censorship, I give her a tight-lipped thanks for increasing music sales of my favorite bands.

Yes...I know watcha mean.
A few years back, there was some kind of conservative christian group trying to get Marilyn Manson banned from the venue in their hometown, and the controversy was all over the media, especially MTV. I had to laugh, because the bible thumpers gave Manson exactly what he was looking for.....free publicity and infamy. The result of their self righteous protest was exactly the opposite of it's intent. They didn't stop him, they made him larger than life. It's funny how, that after all these years, the Moral Majority still can't seem to grasp the concept of controversy + publicity = fame.

Anyway back to Billy's original point.... That highway is bullshit.
I thinks GW is just as guilty as Clinton for promoting a one world government.
Buzzard said:
Are taking this idiots opinion as fact?

Although most of these programs are experimental, the mindset they demonstrate and the precedents they intend to set will have devastating consequences on all Americans. The mindset is that Americans are lab rats in a maze, who must be tagged and tracked everywhere they go. Cockroaches control the maze. The consequences to the heretofore taken for granted freedom to travel and to individual pocketbooks are ominous.
This is a opinion not a fact. And anyone that quotes the wicked witch of the west.....:loco:....
As with any diabolical plot, many problems and obstacles had to be removed in order to insure success. As the Wicked Witch of the West once said, “The question is `how to do it`. These things must be done delicately, or you’ll hurt the spell”.
The best part of this one... There is no proof, no proof of a "diabolical plot", what are the "problems and obstacles" that needed to be removed? WHERE ARE THE FACTS?!?!?!?!? There are none because everything on that site is opinion, theres no reporting of the news, it is the news how Alex Jones sees it. You may as well get your news from the National Enquirer.

Will GW send his flock of flying monkeys out in a diabolical plot to update Americas infrastructure? IS the new super highway really a highway to hell? Tune in next week to another exciting article of Alex Jone`s INFO WARS!!!!
Hawng said:
Are taking this idiots opinion as fact?

This is a opinion not a fact. And anyone that quotes the wicked witch of the west.....:loco:.... The best part of this one... There is no proof, no proof of a "diabolical plot", what are the "problems and obstacles" that needed to be removed? WHERE ARE THE FACTS?!?!?!?!? There are none because everything on that site is opinion, theres no reporting of the news, it is the news how Alex Jones sees it. You may as well get your news from the National Enquirer.

Will GW send his flock of flying monkeys out in a diabolical plot to update Americas infrastructure? IS the new super highway really a highway to hell? Tune in next week to another exciting article of Alex Jone`s INFO WARS!!!!

Um, it's allover the place. Even conservative sites:

ZeeZooZum said:
Um, it's allover the place. Even conservative sites:

I think we already established that, yes, they are planning on building a super highway. But why is it such a terrible idea? Would it be so bad for the economy to create a cheaper way to import foriegn goods? Would it help Mexicos or Canadas economy?
Out of all the articles I have read (other than Info Wars) none of them exsplain a "diabolical plot" or how there would be "devastating consequences on all Americans".
Hawng said:
I think we already established that, yes, they are planning on building a super highway. But why is it such a terrible idea? Would it be so bad for the economy to create a cheaper way to import foriegn goods? Would it help Mexicos or Canadas economy?
Out of all the articles I have read (other than Info Wars) none of them exsplain a "diabolical plot" or how there would be "devastating consequences on all Americans".

Right, info wars is a shit site. But the problem with Nafta and this highway in particular is that it will just further erode whatever is left of the industrial base in this country. A lot of small towns are just going to be more screwed by this.

NASCO Myths Debunked
MYTH: The proposed NAFTA Superhighway will be four football fields wide….
There is no new, proposed "NAFTA Superhighway" –
As of late, there has been much media attention given to the "new, proposed NAFTA Superhighway".
NASCO and the cities, counties, states and provinces along our existing Interstate Highways 35/29/94
(the NASCO Corridor) have been referring to I-35 as the 'NAFTA Superhighway' for many years, as I-35
already carries a substantial amount of international trade with Mexico, the United States and Canada.
There are no plans to build a new NAFTA Superhighway - it exists today as I-35.

MYTH: The map on the website is a secretly approved plan for the proposed NAFTA
The map is not a plan or blueprint of any kind. The infrastructure depicted on the map is not drawn to
scale. The highways shown on the map exist today, and have been enlarged to highlight the NASCO
Corridor focus area. They are EXISTING highways I-35, I-29 and I-94 (the NASCO Corridor) in the
United States, and existing highways connecting to them in Canada and Mexico. The rail lines have been
placed on the map to show NASCO’s multimodal approach. Our website is to promote NASCO – it is a
marketing tool. If the highways were drawn to scale they would be very, very small. The map is
intended to show we focus on more than highways. We focus on rail, trucking, inland ports, air cargo –
multiple modes of transportation. The map is a marketing tool – not a plan for new infrastructure or a
secretly approved plan by a government agency or administration.

OH NOES!!!11!!!1! They already built the road.. what ever are we to do?!?!?! Its done!!!!! WE`RE DOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEDDDDDDDD!!!!!!1!1!!!1 :cry:
Has anyone ever noticed that every country in the world uses the US dollar to compare their monitary value?

Hey Vinny, How come you post some of that bullshit you post in you blog here? Or are you afraid that facts and discussion will make everything you say turn into some real shit.
Hey, I usually keep it in my own litter box, but when I saw the exchange rate, I bust out laughin,
and I just had to share it with my favorite Americans!

"Fuck Your Facts" - Mr. T-man

The American dollar was the strongest form of currancy, for a very long time, this is true. The fact that your dollar is losing its power is not good for Canada, and for me to laugh is just foolish, I mean, we can't collect mad cash offa American tourists now can we??? I remember when I was like 18, I found this american $50 on the ground, traded it in for $65 Cdn, Dang!