Here's one for the ladies.

We get super Dengay flies from Mexico. You can crush them with a 25 pound weight and I swear they'll get right back up. If they bite you, you get Dengay fever.
Imaging opening your eyes and see this little fella next to you in your bed in the morning :kickass:

That happened to me... nothing like opening your eyes and seeing a Black Fucking Widow descending you wall onto your bed... I put my fist to the bastard real quick.
In Mexico, my cousin would fill milk gallons with water and pour them into tarantula holes until they came out. Then he'd grab em', and throw em in a bucket. Once he had about 20 of them, he'd fill a big pan up with sand and have tarantula arena matches. He'd irritate them with sticks and make them fight each other. The winner got to live, but he killed it anyway.

I learned:

1.Male tarantulas are pretty rare, and much smaller than the females.
2.Tarantulas bleed silver blood.