Hey all....

Mr. Hyde

Guitar, Bass
Apr 27, 2001
Visit site
I don't feel like playing music anymore. There...I said it. It wasn't easy. I've gone through various stages over the years where I would lose interest for a day or two, once I stopped playing for about a year, but this time... I think it might be for real.
I don't feel like my heart is into playing anymore. I haven't touched my bass and played more than a couple of notes in over a month. My guitar sits without strings and I don't feel like putting any on it. I plug in my keyboard and tap out a couple of notes and turn it off.
I'm going to give myself time and not force it. I've always played how I feel, and If I'm not feeling it, then my playing really sucks.
The problem is that the kind of music we're playing demands that I practice. I can't go a long time without playing my guitar and pick it up and expect to nail Caught Somewhere in Time. It just won't happen.
I'm going to give myself time and see what happens.
I don't want to leave anyone hanging, so if anyone wants to work on Caught Somewhere in Time, Where Eagles Dare...and I had commited to reach out which is just in the talk about stage, then please feel free to do it. I don't want to give the impression that I'm "working" on a song when I know that I'm not even practicing.
Sorry to hear that Hyde, I really dig your sound and the way you play. Sorry to say also that I`m in the same kind of situation, though I feel like playing I just dont have any time now. I`m studying moore than "full time" on the university and with my father being sick and all I just cant get any recordings done. Also I hate my computer wich fucks up all the time. I have to leave that other guitar for Murders to somebody else, sorry about that Rabs:cry: So, dont expect any recordings from me in a while but I`ll still be active at the board and as soon as I get moore time and money(=a new computer) I hope I can record again.

Sorry to hear that lads......Though it was pretty obvios that things round here were in recession.... now its definately hit a deppresion....!!

Music is a funny thing..... inspiration isnt just something...its farkin everything...!!! ;)

Stick with it lads and im sure youll be signing up on things as soon as things pick up again......

Keep checkin in though.... the guild is more than just the music... its the ppl who make the music that make it so special...!!

Rock on,....

...you guys are seriously bumming me out. First Virus bails...now you two. I dunno what to say.

Medsy and I will hold down the fort. Maybe we can get Crossy to be more involved again as well..

We would appreciate if you guys did stop by occasionally and offer comments/criticisms on any tracks we do - like 7th Son. When you have the time, or desire..you know where to find us.

Medsy. You want a spot on Murders or Eagles? If not..I can finish them up myself. I'm also gonna slot myself in on Caught Somewhere in time. Now that there are only two guitar players left in the IMG (well..3 if you count crossy and eddy)...I guess the only decision on new songs will be who gets Adrian and who gets Dave. ;)

last words..for you Hyde. I've been where you are at now...I decided to stop one day...and the next thing I knew, some 7-8 years passed..than I stumbled on this site. I regret ever quitting now. Don't push yourself...but don't get too detached either...otherwise you may find yourself never coming back....and that would be a shame.
Wow, sorry to hear that guys. Like Rabs and Medsy said, be sure to continue to visit us here. It souldn't be the same without ya. :cry:

I think we all go through these "funks" with our playing. Inspiration is something that comes and goes, it can't be helped. Sometimes it helps me to whip out some really weird music and go with it for awhile. I'll play along to old Count Basie swing music, or Jazz, or blues, or even download some TV themes and soundtrack music. It sometimes helps me to mix it up like that and get the juices flowing again, so to speak.

I've found that lately I have to set times for myself to play and stick to it. I used to like just playing when I feel like it, but with all of the distractions going on around here, I can't do it that way anymore. There are always other things pulling at my time and attention, so I have to "schedule" myself time to play. I don't like doing things that way, and it's really counterproductive to creativity, but it's the only thing I can do right now.

Anyway, I hope that you guys will stick around, and I also hope that you might find that after some time has passed that you'll be as inspired as ever to pick it up and play. I think you will. People like us really need that outlet I think. It'll come back to you (or you back to it), it'll just take abit of time. :)

Originally posted by rabies
Now that there are only two guitar players left in the IMG (well..3 if you count crossy and eddy)

Hmmm, how well did you do your math homework at school? I mean, you, Medsy, Crossy and I, I somehow get 4 as a result when adding up. :loco: :loco:

But seriously, as the guys said, at least stop by every now and then. Don't you forget us. :)

Having said that, I think I should spend some more time on here too... :eek:

Revelations, anyone?
I hope you can get over what your feeling. I go through some tough times when I feel like not playing.
What keeps me going is I get really pissed at myself when I forget how to play a song after I spend so much time trying to learn it. I can't remember all the songs, that would be impossible, but it also should not take me a long time to relearn the song.

Perhaps a break would be a good thing for you, hopfully it's just a short break. When you pick up your guitar after some time off, I'm sure your be smiling from ear to ear:)
Anyway, do keep in touch.

Take Care
Thanks for the support guys. I will still stop by and post and participate when I can.
There is so much going on in the world right now, and it's like creativity and passion have been sucked out of me. I feel like I'm living in monotone, if that makes any sense.
Thanks all.
Color me bummed....

Ya gotta stick with the IMG though, playing or not. Critiques and good ole' fashioned shooting the shit is just as important as playing...
I`m not at all I`m quitting the guild, I`ll be active all the time but I will take a break from recording stuff, but I`ll be back for that too I hope :)
GEEZE US!! Guys I haven't left. Ive just been so busy with starting a new job. I should have been posting more. Im sorry.

I finally got my guitar fixed and it sounds a lot better now. I had some major harmonic issues.

Im sorry to hear that some of you guys are leaving. damn!

I'll make sure I get some guitar tracks out ASAP. Ive got most of Beast and Somewhere in Time completed.

Keep in touch guys.
Oops! Sorry crossy. You have been so quiet for a while now that I kinda thought you were losing interest. :cry:

I've been 'fixing' my guitar myself for a week or so now..what a pain..but at least the thing is in tune everywhere on the neck now!

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