Hey Chris! I got a few questions and would like to show you my speed metal band!


New Metal Member
Oct 11, 2011
Hey Chris,

I'm glad to be "speaking" to you! My name's Matheus Graef, I'm from Brazil, and I'm a really big fan of yours. Megadeth's been my favorite band since I was 10, and your recent work on it caught my attention, and I started looking up videos of your work off Megadeth, like you playing some classical pieces and your work on Jag Panzer! In a nutshell: You're one of my inspirations!

Before I show you my band, I'd like to know how did you join Megadeth? As in, why did they pick you, and who were the other "highlights" applying for auditions apart from yourself? I'd also like to know, no matter how cliche this is, your favorite Megadeth song.

Aaand before I end this letter I'd like to show you my speed metal band. It's called Polaris and we use mainly Megadeth as an influence so I thought it'd be appropriate to show it to you! Check these two songs out, they're my favorites, but we have more on the channel:

We hope you give us some positive feedback regarding the band! You guys are coming to play here in the SWU festival right? Can't wait to see you live again, went to two Megadeth concerts in total! Could've gone for more but I'm pretty young (just 17), however I'm sure you guys are still gonna be kicking ass in the next two decades! I'm not sure how nice's Dave's vocals lately but I saw the Sofia Big Four concert and man, he sounded just like the record. I can't wait to see you guys again, last year I had a blast when you played the entire RIP!

Thanks for your time!
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Im not chris but well,,

thrashing beast of metal. song sounds a bit old like killing is my bussines mixed with kill em' all, if that was your intention then it isnt bad, i personally dont like this kind of metal cus it sounds weak to me.

battle master. in the 2nd song the vocals sound like Lips from Anvil, i think you guys should get more of a modern sounds like Endgame, the solo is ok just too short, it sounds so much like dave mustaine, its kinda cool.

moshpit not bad the intro is cool but well this is not the style of vocals or music i like, if you are trying to be succesful these songs are not gonna help you at all.

btw the vocals in sofia bulgaria dvd were overdubbed..