Hey Dorian tell me about your day.

mine played Ninja Fruit for the first time ... wtf! and she was "OK" at it ... taking the wifes phone away from her.
how the heck can a barely 2 year old have the knack for that stuff?
What happened to Matt (Portland)? I spent some considerable time today looking at houses there. Looks like Vancouver, Washington is a little bit cheaper. Now that I didn't get into the grad school I wanted, there's literally no reason to stay here in this fucking hellhole. Except for the wife being pregnant....which I don't see how it matters. I know someone who moved from Seattle to here when she was some six months pregnant, by herself, in a compact car.

ha, you predicted me posting here again by like ten days. i think somehow i heard the clacking of your keyboard ringing in the recesses of my mind.
here's your chance to be heard ... from NPR

We’re working on a story about hospital nurses. If you are a nurse, or a recently hospitalized patient, and would like to share your personal story about how nurse staffing and availability impacts the quality of patient care, please email pneighmond@npr.org and we may contact you for the story.
Is this the thread where we talk about not wanting kids?

I'm like a born again virgin here sometimes, kinda lost.
I'm still on the fence about spawning. In some ways it looks like fun, but usually I think Cronus got it right the first 5 times.
33 most likely. Wife is 36. I think we're approaching the upper end of Prime Birthing Years or something.

Neither one of us has committed our opinion to the whole thing, one way or the other. We're pretty childish as it is.

so that buys me a few more years then

also, my girlfriend is quite a bit younger so that also buys me several years

no kids 4ever
i understand it (here's where all the parents go "NO YOU COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND...") but i don't want to do it

so that buys me a few more years then

also, my girlfriend is quite a bit younger so that also buys me several years

no kids 4ever
Yeah but remember that chicks can just get that lightbulb thing out of the blue sometimes. You could be cruising along all happy for years and then boom WE NEED A BABY RIGHT NOW!!! Depends on the girl of course, but I've seen that happen a number of times. I once had a friend tell me "my biological clock is ticking" and she was 22. Yep, they got married, had a kid, and are now long since divorced. Yippee.

I think children are ugly. But if wifey got pregnant, I'm sure I'd enjoy that ride just fine. We're like, open-minded or something. Regarding that aspect of life at least. But hey, one of us might go WE NEED A BABY RIGHT NOW!!! and things could change. We're pretty content not having to deal with any of that stuff right now, personally I like staying out until 4am and going off on vacation at the drop of a hat.

I've seen friends get locked into lifestyles they don't enjoy, personally I don't think I'd ever get like that. But I can't blame the wife/kid/job since they all signed up for Accepted Existence and hey, that's their choice and they have to love/hate it accordingly. I enjoy my free time far too much to give it to someone else. Not that I wouldn't do it for a loved one, but I'm currently not volunteering it away either.

Or like, some junk. WTF do I know about babies?
it is basically the end of your life.

it's actually a rebirth ... as much bullshit as me an the other dads talk in here about hard times ... i can't imagine life any other way anymore.

dorian will probably have another pov :loco:
i understand it (here's where all the parents go "NO YOU COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND...") but i don't want to do it

you can't understand until you have one of course ... like anything else in life.

but yeah, it you don't have the feelings to raise a kid ... by all means focus on something else.
I was going to comment on this yesterday but my computer if finally dying on me

finally got it working again...uhhh...well, anyway I was going to say something along these lines: there's nothing like having a few little monkeys around that share your DNA. I don't really feel like going into right now - too lazy. What lurchy said is correct - it's not really something you can relate to until you do it...and then it's too late :lol:
I feel like saying this though - a fair warning - doing things like staying out until 0400, well, you're done with that. And to the Adrian: you're likely done playing bass as you know it. Unless you make a living playing music, it's time to call it a day and say you had a good run of it. Loads of other things go by the wayside - things that would never occur to you. Like working in the yard? You're done. Have an old project car you've been trying to restore? Sell it. Enjoy doing dangerous things that could likely render you a paraplegic? Have fun paying for the increase in life insurance premiums.
Basically, if you are going to have children, do so before the chances of birth defects spiral out of control (note to Adrian - at 36 the wife is already heading down the wrong end of the curve) and be prepared to drastically alter your lifestyle. Thing is, you'll want to do so. Sure, there will be many times when you'll be like


but most of the time, you won't even want to because watching what your kids are doing is far more interesting.

Having kids rules. I have friends who aren't going to and that's cool and I have friends who can't and that sucks but I personally cannot fathom being 45 years old and NOT being able to go to high school soccer games to watch them play (or what-have-you).

ok, that's it.
Now go procreate.