Hey Dorian tell me about your day.

And to the Adrian: you're likely done playing bass as you know it. Unless you make a living playing music, it's time to call it a day and say you had a good run of it.
Dude bass is my job. Can't feed the little varmints without a paycheck. Of course if we did have kids my gigging would likely be limited, or at least sans roadie-wife for awhile. I'd probably have to go back to a "real" career at that point anyhow. Or just go broke like the other dads here. Yeah, I'll take the second option. Money is gay anyhow.

If it happens, cool. If not, whatever. I'm okay either with way. Wife said "yeah but what about in 10 years" and seriously, my mind doesn't work that way. In 10 years I could be a transgender, who the fuck knows?
be prepared to drastically alter your lifestyle. Thing is, you'll want to do so. Sure, there will be many times when you'll be like


but most of the time, you won't even want to because watching what your kids are doing is far more interesting.
this is exactly it

i KNOW i will want to change my lifestyle if i have kids. i also KNOW at this point that i don't want to want that. you know? because i feel like i have a shitload left to accomplish before suddenly watching babby einride stacking blocks (and doing a real shit job of it) becomes more interesting and important than reading books or recording music or whatever. i know i'm p. much genetically hardwired to care about my kids above everything else once that shit happens, so THEREFORE i choose to artificially prolong my non kid having years because at this point there are a million other things i think are interesting and that deserve some time
In 10 years I could be a transgender, who the fuck knows?


ok, I didnt mean to come off as preachy in that post. You and Mr. Erik obviously know what's up.

I'm glad you guys are enjoying your lives. Truly. Being a parent doesn't necessarily negate that enjoyment, it just alters the methods a little (or a lot depending on what they are :lol:)
i tell you one thing ... if you enjoy peace and quiet and being alone ...
when you have a kid ... those moments, when you can get them, will now literally be like nirvana.
I think the only thing that really bugs me are parents that hate their kids. Not that I know anyone personally who does, but we've all seen it. That kind of thing makes me sick. Why did you fucking breed if you didn't want kids?! Stop breathing my air god dammit.
if you enjoy peace and quiet and being alone ...

more than just about anything.

to this guy a kid sounds like a death-sentence albatross anchor that i would grow to resent along with my terrible life of servitude to those soul-sucking mini-mes and my wife that hates me. but hey, maybe ive been looking at too many statistics.

I think the only thing that really bugs me are parents that hate their kids. Not that I know anyone personally who does, but we've all seen it. That kind of thing makes me sick. Why did you fucking breed if you didn't want kids?! Stop breathing my air god dammit.

hey man

just eating some lunch
enjoying my day off
going to try and check out some new music later

I understand. I couldn't even begin to imagine having three children. Between the wife and the house, one is enough for me. I wish I still lived in a condo so I wouldnt have to deal with yardwork taking up my time. I'm a selfish bastard though.
I'll work 15 hours and come home and the wife will still be up and wants to talk about stuff

this made me lol and scream at the same time ... kind of like a hyena.
I understand. I couldn't even begin to imagine having three children. Between the wife and the house, one is enough for me. I wish I still lived in a condo so I wouldnt have to deal with yardwork taking up my time. I'm a selfish bastard though.

yeah, this goes back to that question i had some threads ago about how the fuck you maintain A HOUSE with kids and work and stuff.
yeah, this goes back to that question i had some threads ago about how the fuck you maintain A HOUSE with kids and work and stuff.

it's extremely difficult...I'd go into detail as to what it's like here right now.....BUT I DONT HAVE TIME :lol: