hey dreaming neon darkspot

Thanks!I'm probobly going to start a thread about one of my other storise tomorrow...one that I like a lot more than "Machine" because that story is all messed up.My goal is to become a writer and scare the hell out of ppl w/my writing...scare the hell out of the ppl that knew me before I started going to public school.I think it'll be hilarious if they recognize my name and think that I went into a career of writing inspirational poetry of some fucked up shit like that then they read one of my boks and find all of this stuff about death,vampires and totally negativity towards religion...that'll be so fuckin' funny,kinda cruel,I know,be funny:lol:
I start many stories that I don't finish so I get angry and rip the pages up...but I've gotten better about finishing stories.I wasn't planning on finishing that one story that I was telling everyone about,"The Devil's Music".But I actually did get it finished,that took me a whole day and I never bothered to read it over because it's 36 pgs. long...but I got it finished so I feel like I accomplished something.:D
I haven't been writing for very long.I think I only got serious about writing about a year ago when I started taking an after school writing class and the teacher there told me that I had a talent for writing.She read a lot of my stories and told me that I should enter some of them in writing contests,but I never did.My language arts teacher told me the same thing but there are never any contests open...plus if I was to enter some of my work,I'd have to show it to my parents and I'd just rather not show anything to them.
Yeah,but hopefully not when I'm living w/them.My family can see my writing when the rest of the world does-when it's published!I have read some of my stories to my mother and she thinks they are very good,but she doesn't see why I have to use profanity in some of my writing.But I'm not sure that I'm ready to let my father read any of my work,he is the one that's says I should stop being so morbid and try reading more comedy or biography instead of all of the "gothic horror" that I'm reading.And since a lot of my writing is "gothic horror"...I don't think he'd accept it well.
Yes,I've read several H.P.Lovecraft books.I was just about to start "The Dunwhich Horror" from one of the collections of his stories when I got Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice and I'm trying to get thru the entire Vampire Chronicles.I'm more than halfway done The Vampire Lestat.But about Lovecraft,he is one of my favorite authors.His stories are so incredible,I actually first heard about him by reading some stuff on a Metallica website that said that Kirk Hammett and the late Cliff Burton were fans of his and there was some stuff about the Mythos and some of his other works,so I checked some books out from the library and I've been into Lovecraft's books ever since.
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
Yes,I've read several H.P.Lovecraft books.I was just about to start "The Dunwhich Horror" from one of the collections of his stories when I got Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice and I'm trying to get thru the entire Vampire Chronicles.I'm more than halfway done The Vampire Lestat.But about Lovecraft,he is one of my favorite authors.His stories are so incredible,I actually first heard about him by reading some stuff on a Metallica website that said that Kirk Hammett and the late Cliff Burton were fans of his and there was some stuff about the Mythos and some of his other works,so I checked some books out from the library and I've been into Lovecraft's books ever since.

You will really enjoy THE VAMPIRE LESTAT, I myself read it about a month ago. You really should read THE WITCHING HOUR and LASHER as well, if you haven't already. Stay away from TALTOS, though, I thought it kinda sucked.

Anne Rice kicks ass
Yeah,I love Anne Rice's books,except for Violin which I thought was stupid.The Vampire Lestat is great,but I actually liked Interview... better.In that book,it made Lestat look like a whiny little bitch:lol: .I guess that I'll finish the Lovecrafy book whenever I finish the Vampire Chronicles,then I'll start the Lives of the Mayfair Witches.
When i would get in trouble in school, i would make shit up to tell the principle....does that count? SOme of the shit i came up with could qualify as stories.
Does she die or does she just get injured badly?What about the character representing me,the prostitute?How's she doing-er,who's she doing?Gallu's character works at a liquor store and has an eating disorder doesn't she?Did you make her bisexual and put her with the Amanda-like person?That still isn't being very nice,no one should be the partner of an Amanda-like person.It's just wrong.
Your character just had some form of mental breakdown, standing on the kitchen table throwing plates. And I decided to do away with the Amanda-like character. I'm denying ever meeting that bitch. As for my character, she doesn't die yet. She jumps from the second story and just gets badly injured. But we're all going to die in the end. Because that's what's supposed to happen.
Oh good,we all get do die in the end.Is it suicide or OD?If it's suicide,I think all of the characters should have a camera filming them while they all kill themselves in the same room.I've been thinking of writing a story about that but I just don't have much of a plot besides some ppl killing themselves.That would work out great as part of this fucked up story.Did you have the Amanda-like person in the story and then kill her or was she just never involved in the story in the first place?
Yay,I get to have a mental breakdown!:D Do I hit anyone w/the plates?I think Gallu told me that she had a nervous breakdown of some type a few yrs. ago or something.