Hey ecstaticstasy....


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
hows things waaaay over there??

I hurt my hand playing guitar the other day... so i'm doing the smart thing, and learning some symphony x solos :lol:

Dim Trapped, that's just plain Dim.
not bad all the way over here in canada land

how's shit over there in Australia? hot? night? day?

yah, i saw your thread about hurting your hand. bad news man. wasn't the smart thing to do cooling off on guitar for a few days? :lol: symphony x solos are good cooling off! so, whats a symphony x solo cooling off from? Rusty Cooley shredding? maybe a little paul gilbert? :lol:
dim indeed, BLONDE!
It's 5:30 in the afternoon, it's cold and rainy, i have a sore hand, and this solo is GOD DAMNED HARD... jesus... how long has this dude been playing for? This is going to take me all damn week at this rate...!? a ha ha. :lol:
yah, it's 3:25 in the morning here, gott awake up at 12 for work. just sitting here in some crusty old metallica shirt, half asleep, some fucked up late night cartoons with boobs left and right on the cartoon channel on tv, not much :lol:

how'd yo uhurt your hand? guitar i assume? any particular part? maybe whatever it was, you can learn it perfect and SPITE whoever wrote it
:lol: ha ha, you sound like me... sitting here in a crusty old metallica shirt, laughing at duckman...... :lol:

I was writing a solo... shredding in harmonic minor can be especially difficult when you're skipping strings etc... so i, uh overdid it, and i've done something REALLY bad to my little finger on my right hand... *shrug*

I've done well though, i just learnt most of "The witching Hour" by symphony X... not too hard, but pretty decent for a guy with only three fingers that work at the moment... :lol:

Duckman is some sort of God

that show was so god damned good
fuck, the whole cast was hilarious
i have som great soundfiles too ofthat show
marvelous, absolutely marvelous