Hey fellas!

The funny thing is that I've never ever hit on a girl. I make them come to me. Sometimes it's fun being an asshole. Not that I really try anyway, I'd rather just have fun than chase women. Bros before hos.
Wanna share some tricks? :lol:

The funny thing is that I've never ever hit on a girl. I make them come to me. Sometimes it's fun being an asshole. Not that I really try anyway, I'd rather just have fun than chase women. Bros before hos.
Did you read Tucker Max's book "I hope They Serve Beer in Hell"? HILARIOUS!! All about his drunken, sexual debaucheris and how he treats women like crap and they just lap it up??? A classic! Check it out.....

Pics, or it never happened...

I assure you it happened. Don't believe me? There you go: :fu:

I salute you. Did you get any video footage?:OMG:

Bunch of perverts here! Why would I want to share my personal life with you?! :bah: (Oh, the irony!)

Did you read Tucker Max's book "I hope They Serve Beer in Hell"? HILARIOUS!! All about his drunken, sexual debaucheris and how he treats women like crap and they just lap it up??? A classic! Check it out.....


That's next on my reading list now, thanks!
Man if I had any tricks I'd tell ya. I don't know, it always just kinda happens.

Sometimes I don't have sex for months, and then all of a sudden I end up on a fucking marathon. It's weird.

For the record, these were good looking girls too!

Does the marathons usually coincide with the winter months?
Rather cold in Finland that time of the year, and it's important to find environmetally friendly ways to keep warm.

The activity is probably supported by the government as well, since it will help the demographic balance by the (often unplanned) boost in children being born, thus providing a lager working force/tax payers in the future which in turn will help fund the pensions of the retired part of the population.

Is that the trick?
Does the marathons usually coincide with the winter months?
Rather cold in Finland that time of the year, and it's important to find environmetally friendly ways to keep warm.

The activity is probably supported by the government as well, since it will help the demographic balance by the (often unplanned) boost in children being born, thus providing a lager working force/tax payers in the future which in turn will help fund the pensions of the retired part of the population.

Is that the trick?

Well yeah, winter months are a pretty good time to score, but I get pretty depressed during winter and I usually don't want anything to do with any girl. But you could say that during that time there's a bigger chance they make me fuck them. The spring is good too, as is summer. And when the fall comes, most girls don't wanna be alone, so...shit, I don't know. :err:

Hopefully I won't have anything to do with the last part of your post. At least not until I've settled down. If I ever settle down.
I assure you it happened. Don't believe me? There you go: :fu:

Bunch of perverts here! Why would I want to share my personal life with you?! :bah: (Oh, the irony!)

That's next on my reading list now, thanks!

Good. I just ordered his second book "Assholes Finish First". When you finish IHTSBIH, let us know what you think. I laughed the entire time I was reading it. Good times!
Here's a useful tip: If you're not sure whether a girl is into you or not, give her a dvd! If she likes you, she will ask you to come see it with her. Guess what I'm doing in near future...:D

Anyway, I'm about half way though I Hope They serve Beer In Hell and I'm enjoying it very much! Lots of things remind me of my own life, but I'll tell you more about it when I've read the whole book.
Last week I escaped from my town to visit my sister and maybe just hang for a friday instead of partying. The next day I got back home, went to a bar and the next thing I know is I wake up next to my friend's sister. Fuck.

So I decided to stop drinking heavily for a while because it's getting out of hand. So last night I naturally got wasted and hooked up with this girl. Nice ass, GREAT rack. In the morning things went better than expected, we actually had a nice conversation about life and it wasn't unpleasant at all. When it was time to get home, I had the great idea to get on a bus instead of a cab to save money. That's when everything went wrong.

I'm sitting alone near the back of the bus, when two children start arguing and screaming, which does not go well with my horrible headache. I decide to listen to some music, when I realize I left my fucking MP3 player at home. Children are screaming, it's hot as hell, my head is about to explode and I smell of old booze, sweat, pussy and cigarettes. Old people are staring at me like I'm a lowlife, which I apparently am. In the end I had to exit the bus and walk home. Now being extremely hung over, I hate her for fucking me and I hate myself for not going home for the night. Fucking morning after's.

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This thread brings up some memories, both good and bad.

I've finally become everything I hate: I'm in a relationship. It's something I never wanted to happen, and I did try to avoid it, but I guess it's time. She's worth it too (nice rack, great ass). If she weren't, I wouldn't do it.

Fellas, I'm a cocksman no more. :eek: