hey!! free stuff!

Sep 1, 2001
Visit site

There are some pretty cool things on that page if anyone is interested and hasnt passed through it before.
I think the tape deck thing is real cool for just killing your audio.
But heres a question if anyone tries these things out....
How do you record or save this audio?? i wish you could just save it as a wav or mp3. Do i have to figure out some roundabout way to send the audio out of my computer and back in again to get this into logic???
mac only =/


(Sorry I wanted to say that for so long lol)

You could just use the audio out on your mac and plug that right into one of the inputs on your interface.

Actually I halfway take that back, there is a few plugs on the site that are both mac and windows
These were made with Cycling 74's Max/MSP (http://cycling74.com/). If you were adventurous, and you had a copy of Max, you could probably tear open the .mxf file and make a patch to save an audio track as a wav or aiff. If you were feeling more badass, you could take the code and try to port them with pluggo or get them to run with Max for Live :)