Hey, Friends...


Sep 12, 2001
...how's it been going so far?

I'm at home, enjoying summer.... No work, no worries, nobody..... :lol:

Anyways I see there are not too many people that can nowadays start something that is worth reading, right, Tee?........ ;)

I also want to grab the opportunity to say hi and send my kisses to everyone I used to communicate with in the good old days.... :lol: You know who you are.... Hope all is well with you and you're having a great time - wherever you are.... :)
well, hey, and

well why the fuck wont someone post something good and fucken holsome? If its so fucked around here.

WHy dont you guys ask WD why he wont start something thats not stupid?

HI again, where have you been so long? That rant was not for you BTW.

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