hey guys....help

Feb 11, 2002
some of you i have know since PP2 and i truly appreciate your friendship.
SO, my doctor has placed me on bed rest. it seems that my Blood Pressure is 150-120.
so i feel like shit.
i'd appreciate any good thoughts and stuff you can send my way. Whatever God you pray to, Say a prayer for me for me.
Dave Standifer

hopefully see you guys in September!
Hey Dave, best of wishes and my prayers go out to you. I know what your going through, as I am on medication to control my BP. If I don't take the meds i feel like holy shit until I take them and they start working. Plus i had a little medical problem this week that keep me from attending ROCKLAHOMA, and the Dr said no traveling, and limited walking and standing for a week. So here i sit at this computer,

Hope things turn around for you health wise. I don't get a 'do bed rest' for high blood pressure though. But I'm not a doctor. But best of luck!

I encourage you to check this out, I think it will help you as you go forward : http://zonediet.com/

Its not really a diet as in calorie restriction, as much as it is a way of eating and has helped a lot of people to get healthy levels of blood pressure. The food pyramid has it wrong.
some of you i have know since PP2 and i truly appreciate your friendship.
SO, my doctor has placed me on bed rest. it seems that my Blood Pressure is 150-120.
so i feel like shit.
i'd appreciate any good thoughts and stuff you can send my way. Whatever God you pray to, Say a prayer for me for me.
Dave Standifer

hopefully see you guys in September!

Hope you can get those numbers down! My BP has been increasing a bit each time I've had to go to the doctor (kidney stone, lately gout), so I will have to Take Steps soon at this rate.

Plus i had a little medical problem this week that keep me from attending ROCKLAHOMA, and the Dr said no traveling, and limited walking and standing for a week.

I was wondering why you hadn't gone to Rocklahoma! Hope to see both of y'all at PPUSA!

Its not really a diet as in calorie restriction, as much as it is a way of eating and has helped a lot of people to get healthy levels of blood pressure. The food pyramid has it wrong.

The food pyramid is a 'sensible eating suggestion' for most people, but it's not great for people with high BP, or gout (as I've discovered), or many other ailments.

Wasn't there a push to radically change the longstanding food pyramid during the last two years or so?
I've had issues with high blood pressure, certainly not to this degree but I know how serious it can be. Get well soon.
You need to start doing yoga! Mild yoga that focuses on your breathing and relaxation. Small leisurely walks and like someone mentioned above get away from the salt and try to keep your stress level down.

Worse comes to worse, there's always Xanax (giggle).
I started dating a nutritionist that got me on some supplements that helped with a lot of issues I had, stuff I'd never heard of. I was never really a take vitamins kind of guy, but it's made a huge difference in my life, BP down, no joint pain, etc. It's almost impossible to really get everything you need from food these days. You just can't eat enough of the right stuff. Definitely do some research online. I would certainly go that route before resulting to drugs.

I hope you feel better soon.
Update: i went to the Dr today and although still hi, the BP is is around 150 over 110. Ive been eating lots of fatty fish like tuna and herring. but im still on bed rest. Thanks for all your thoughts...
AND TODAY is MY BIRTHDAY !!! whoo hoo.
ok, back to bed.
thanks a lot guys and gals
Happy birthday!

take your meds, lay off salty/fried foods, and drink A LOT of water-that helps my HBP.

There are very few diseases or health conditions that drinking lots of water is BAD for. (Err, except, maybe, if you have to stand at a concert in one place for hours or something. :))

For deferring my all-too-likely future kidney stones, for gout, for high BP, the doctors have uniformly recommended drinking enough water to, err, piss clear. :oops:
Water plays a big part with bp!

Back in early April my daughter was at a concert and got this overwhelming sense of lightheadedness and was unsteady on her feet. Wound up having to be looked at by a paramedic who recommended we go to the hospital. As it turns out, she hadn't had enough fluids in her system that day (she didn't want to be back and forth to the ladies room during the show) and we had just had the first heat-wave of the season that made it all worse. First thing the hospital did was get her drinking ice water, then they took her blood pressure every way from standing up, to sitting, to laying on the gurney, etc. You wouldn't believe the differences in the scores from each time they took it.

Another bad thing for blood pressure is caffeine. Not only does it have the stimulant component, but caffeine will act as a diuretic and dehydrate you in the long run!