Hey guys, new here with some mixes and 6/7/8 string content!


Jan 4, 2007
Hey guys,

I figured i should finally join, i secretly have been intimidated by this place with all these talented and knowledgeable people but i figure i could learn a lot by joining up and plus its always good to be around fellow metalheads!

So i have a ton of recordings on my soundclick which pretty much catalog my progress, but for the most part i have been using a podxt, and for the second half drumkit from hell superior. The older stuff is dfh1 and even older is vamp yuck!

keep in mind there are a lot of rough ideas/random clips/weird joke thingies up there, in fact the very first song on the list is a total joke song...i still have no idea why i wrote it. Highlights as far as where i am at productionwise would be the song that plays by default, the newer of the 8 string tests, and really most of the things towards the top of the list haha.

also i have a few things on my myspace and on my bands myspace as well:

Anyways im glad to be here and i hope you guys enjoy the tunes!!
ahh sup sean! i figured i should join dss3 and others have told me to for a while but i was always lazy/nervous/who knows...

i miss the 6505 now that i dont have it, hope its treatin you well!
I think I remember you from the Pod forums a long time ago.... Your mixes sounds really familliar.
right on man!
yeah i used to post more often, not really that much these days, but its still a fun place!
yes sir thats me!
oh yeah i just realized something, on www.myspace.com/iambulb there is a rerecorded version of seven hundred seven that i didnt put on soundclick...damn i need to pay more attention to things...but yeah im proud of that mix!
hey thanks a lot guys!
i hope to do the 8 string justice, to be honest it still intimidates me a little!
as for the snare yeah, it tends to be very hit or miss, im a fan of that sound but it is of course not a universal thing, and the snare to a lot of people, me included, is like the most important drum on the kit, so it can be a big deal for some. I am however experimenting with other sounds to see what i can come up with!
bulb said:
I figured i should finally join, i secretly have been intimidated by this place with all these talented and knowledgeable people but i figure i could learn a lot by joining up and plus its always good to be around fellow metalheads!

Yeah, I felt the same way. Luckily for you, I'm here to bring down the curve!

You shouldn't feel intimidated, though; your stuff kicks large amounts of ass.

:worship: :headbang: