Hey, help a new person discover some good metal!

Jesus Et Cetera

New Metal Member
Oct 12, 2002
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I've heard this songs and think they're awesome. I guess for the most part, they're death or black metal (except Metallica):

Exhumed - Casket Krusher
Cannibal Corpse - Pounded into Dush
Carcass - Rotten to the Gore
Metallica - Fight Fire with Fire
Nile - Unas Slayer of the Gods
Slayer - Raining Blood

Anyone have any suggestions? Please tell me if those are black metal, death metal, trash, or any other term so I have an idea of what I would like.

BTW, I'm Jesus Et Cetera. Nice to meet you.
Most of what you mention except for Slayer and Metallica are generally considered Death Metal, Gore Metal or Grindcore...

Here are some excellent Death Metal bands:

Morbid Angel

Start with those, and I'm sure you'll be happy.

Feel free to let me know if you like any of that, and I can give you some other good suggestions.