Hey how can you tell if a broad is cute over the phone?

snow2fall said:
RC is a hot chick magnet. I blame NAD.
haha Yeah, with you being the only real one that posts here, and probably UM as a whole. Ok, well, there's Karen and Johanna, who are equally as hot but then you got the fake ones like ~blondie~ who are obviously hot as well. Meh, my point was that only the chicks, fake and real, post pics of themselves in their avatars, and of course, those pics are as hot as possible. No guy would ever give a shit what he looked like. It's just funny to me; women here are the same as they are in real life. They like to look pretty (not complaining).
Yeah there really are a lot of hot chicks that post here. I mean a lot for such a blatant testosterone-fueled place, which equals 5, and there's at least 7 here. Hooray! :goggly:

In other words:
Whut? It's not THAT interesting.
