Hey how can you tell if a broad is cute over the phone?

dorian gray said:
I still, for one, don't understand wtf you're talking about. :)
fine:lo: I'm terrible at describing stuff over the internet.

I wonder if girls can tell if it is a "hot guy" on the phone? Women have special vagina senses so it wouldn't surprise me.
lizard said:
I saw a 20/20 segment on phone sex once and yeah, the chicks were not hot.
I remember once seeing a documentary on balloon sex and something involving leather daddies pretending to be horses. Some fat chick was the jockey... I Thought jockey's were supposed to be small:erk:
Trylakos said:
I wonder if girls can tell if it is a "hot guy" on the phone?

No. Well at least not me. Its interesting though how an annoying voice can make a hot guy ugly in an instant but not the other way around och jag kan inte formulera mig alls.
What I'm always wondering is why chick accounts, whether fake like ~blondie~ or real like snow2fall MUST HAVE an avatar of some hot chick in them. Even if they are real accounts, the pics are always some super-photogenic shot (see Johanna above). It's pretty funny. I think all the guys should start posting Glamour Shots of themselves.
Hahahaha you guys are hilarious!
I'll have to break down and get an avatar now or something.
Meh, I made another post about how the "female" accounts are the same throughout UM and probably the entire internet but RC shut down right as I posted it. Luz from the Opeth board is the only real chick I know who doesn't bother with an avatar of herself looking hot.
One other question I have is what are the odds of virtually every "girl" that posts here is pretty darn attractive. Just seems a bit impossible to me.
dorian gray said:
matt....err....Matt, do you still have a Mohawk?
naw, just cut it last week...gotta look presentable for my job :Puke: , but for $17 an hour, sure i'll cut my mohawk

i'm definitely doing it again though, everyone thought it was a good look
Cutting your hair off for work is lame, man. Minus 3 points. But plus 3 just wearing a trucker hat.
not just any trucker hat, look closely you can see the "YER"

you have no idea how many people respond to that hat, i get "SLAYERR!!" or "what's up, slayer" on a daily basis
uhhh...yeah, so how do I get an avatar anyway? Am I going to have to go into UserCP? Dunno if it's worth it.