hey if you're in socal at the end of the month, come see THREE SHEETZ


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
because we're playing our first show. i'll even buy you a beer!


for those that are still waiting on demos, no i still don't have any. :( i can email or yousend mp3's though.
FUUUUUUUCK i hate my band sometimes. the 29th is SATURDAY, not FRIDAY. so i don't even know what fucking day we're playing.

i already posted this flyer in several places. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT.

@icono: you want a free beer, don't you? :D

@hill climber: we should have some shows in hollywood soonish, OC i'm not sure but we're friends with a band out that way.
god damn nad said:
FUUUUUUUCK i hate my band sometimes. the 29th is SATURDAY, not FRIDAY. so i don't even know what fucking day we're playing.

i already posted this flyer in several places. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT.

@icono: you want a free beer, don't you? :D

@hill climber: we should have some shows in hollywood soonish, OC i'm not sure but we're friends with a band out that way.

I'll see ye in Hollywood then mate.:devil:
you know, i used to say i never wanted to be in a band with a female because the potential for love interest problems would be too great, but being in a band with a bunch of dudes is like dealing with a bunch of women you have absolutely no desire to fuck so it's even worse.

oh well, i'm over it.
try being in a band with a pathological liar for a lead guitarist/organizer, a borderline permafried bass player and the drummer is more into punk(the good stuff). :p

Oh yes, and the other guitarist is into coke and heroin. I miss the old days when everyone in the band wasn't fucked up. Now only me and the drummer have an IQ above that of the average hamster.