Hey ixrayu...


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I will be SHOCKED if this show gets with in 250 tickets of a sell out. .

I talked to ALOT of people on saturday, 90% of them were discussing not coming next year do to only 1 or 2 bands coming that they want to see.

I do NOT want to see this festival come to an end due to lack of interest in 1 years line up.

I'm hoping, but doubtful, the show will do well next year.

Gold Badges sold-out.

508 of 900 tickets sold in the first 10 hrs.


It ain't sold out yet.. but at this rate I expect it to be sold out VERY VERY soon!

I figure it will sell out with the eclectic lineup. Something for everybody. You may not like EVERY band - but you're bound to like several of the bands playing. :D
Counting chickens 142 short of his prediction? That's a good way to get owned yourself.

Your post from 4/4/06:

As of 1130am EST, there are 153 tickets remaining. We are on pace for the 2nd fastest sell-out in the festival history.

All of the naysayers about the lineup can kiss our ass.

Thanks everyone.

Glenn H.

Tickets for PP7 were available the day of the show.

250 short is a bold, bold prediction. He'll probably end up being wrong. But I don't think 100-150 short is out of the question.
I figure it will sell out with the eclectic lineup. Something for everybody. You may not like EVERY band - but you're bound to like several of the bands playing. :D

I expected ticket sales to go well based on the Arcturus fans alone - they may not be one of the headliners, but they seem to be a massive draw. Let's see how quickly this sells out... :popcorn:
Counting chickens 142 short of his prediction? That's a good way to get owned yourself.

Your post from 4/4/06:

Tickets for PP7 were available the day of the show.

250 short is a bold, bold prediction. He'll probably end up being wrong. But I don't think 100-150 short is out of the question.

And what is your point, exactly?
But I don't think 100-150 short is out of the question.

You honestly researched five years back to try and make a point from an era that cannot be compared to today's situation with the ecomony, touring, etc? Seriously? Seriously? Shall I go back five years and quote you every time you have second guessed me or complained about a band selection? Hell, at least Ixrayu spoke his piece once and hoped he was wrong at the end of the day. I don't recall those kind of well wishes from you. Regardless, PP USA VII missed a sell-out by 6 tickets at the end of the day. I may have missed the pace on that, but at the end of the day I would call it a success. I'll take that every fucking year as a matter of fact and be happy.

Now, as for your eternal whining and bitching about this roster, I get it. You don't like it. You have said that more than once since September. You are the God of the Armchair Quaterbacks you know that? You hide behind a computer and proclaim how things should have been done as your business acumen in this industry is much more astute than mine.

How about a wager? If there are more than 50 tickets remaining, I'll give you a lifetime ticket to the festival and announce to the public that you were right and I was wrong. If there are less than 50 tickets after all is said and done, you come to the soundboard, hand me a $100 bill and proceed to tell the crowd that "I was wrong and I will shut the fuck up now and in the future."
Like stated above...with the diverse line up this year I know a bunch of people who are not even into the power metal or prog genres who are going this year for Santuary and Arcturus. I would love to be there to see Therion play for 2 hours. This will sell out, no doubt about it. This year more than most there is much for everyone to be excited about.

adaher makes all other armchair quarterbacks embarassed to be what we are.
Counting chickens 142 short of his prediction? That's a good way to get owned yourself.

Tickets for PP7 were available the day of the show.

250 short is a bold, bold prediction. He'll probably end up being wrong. But I don't think 100-150 short is out of the question.

The worst thing about you as a poster is that on top of your large grandiose assumptions and exclamations is that when you're wrong and/or called out you still argue when you have no knowledge of the issue at hand WHATSOEVER dude. You're welcome to your opinion, and it's all good fun to have a discussion with you on how much you suck at business strategies and economics :)lol:), but when you're complete and utterly wrong you need to cut your textual losses and own it hoss.

I will be SHOCKED if this show gets with in 250 tickets of a sell out.

If the economy still sucks, I'd say that's about right. But assuming a decent economy, this show will sell 95% of the tickets regardless of the lineup. Glenn's built up a fantastically loyal fanbase. Seems like some people that go don't even watch many of the sets. It's as much a metal convention these days as a metal show.

The people who keep on expecting the same Kamelot, Sonata, Nightwish, Evergrey and Epica every single year should really wake up and smell the coffee.

Fixin' what ain't broken. It's been happening on and off since PPVII. It wasn't necessary then, it's not necessary now. The huge success of this last PP proves that. If you can sell out PP in a crappy economy using the same formula that's been used since PPIII, that means it STILL WORKS.

The irony is that Glenn himself said he had the ticket audits to show that it IS broken and yet you still harp on with your need to see the same old bands over and over. I mean first of all, as a fan, doesn't that get boring as fuck? Why would you spend 100+ bucks to see Kamelot every year? That just sounds ridiculous to me. But anyways, it clearly DOES need fixing, but for some reason you feel it doesn't because of YOUR subjective perceptions (vs the objective facts)? Chill the eff out brah.

In your own words, it's "bold," especially when you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. It's 142 tickets within a sell out and it's only March. Even if he's 50 tickets within a sell out the day before, you've lost your bet as well and you still look like a nerd. Still gonna argue then?
And to clarify...

My finger to ixrayu was done in jest the same as sticking my tongue out. It was nothing personal. I actually like the guy based on the defib paddle post of his to my wife when this whole thing started.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'd pay 100+ bucks a year to see Pagan's Mind and Circus Maximus every year. I have a feeling that's a minority view, and not a terribly good business case anyway.