Hey ixrayu...

And what is your point, exactly?

First week ticket sales always look good because most of us grab our tickets early. And they have looked better, even with a show that didn't sell out. My other point is that the last time Glenn felt the need to gloat at the naysayers, the naysayers weren't entirely wrong. He's still 142 short of -250, and he could very well have more than 250 tickets available at the end of this month.

You honestly researched five years back to try and make a point from an era that cannot be compared to today's situation with the ecomony, touring, etc? Seriously? Seriously? Shall I go back five years and quote you every time you have second guessed me or complained about a band selection?

I think you should go back and research, although I'm sure you have much better things to do. But if you did, you'd find that you're wrong about a few things. First, I've complained three times: PP7, PP9, and this year. Other years I've been thrilled and told you so. Second, I've always wished the festival well and this year I've wished it success as well. Third, I would never claim to have your business acumen. I couldn't put together a festival. But I do know numbers and the festival's statistics, and your current pace does not indicate a sellout, or even getting to 650 sold. Yet. Last year saw a pretty languid pace but it sold out anyway. Just sayin' that a good first day indicates nothing.

How about a wager? If there are more than 50 tickets remaining, I'll give you a lifetime ticket to the festival and announce to the public that you were right and I was wrong. If there are less than 50 tickets after all is said and done, you come to the soundboard, hand me a $100 bill and proceed to tell the crowd that "I was wrong and I will shut the fuck up now and in the future."

I agree to all of that except shutting the fuck up. I reserve the right to make myself look like an idiot in the future.

In your own words, it's "bold," especially when you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. It's 142 tickets within a sell out and it's only March

It's 392 tickets from a sellout. 142 tickets short of -250. As for me not knowing what I'm talking about, with regards to promoting a festival, you're absolutely right. But have I been wrong yet? Very debateable. And you don't know what my background contains. For all you know, I have a Phd in marketing or economics or I could be a very successful small business owner. Since I have been right more often than not in the past, rather than attacking my background, you could speculate on why I've been right.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'd pay 100+ bucks a year to see Pagan's Mind and Circus Maximus every year. I have a feeling that's a minority view, and not a terribly good business case anyway.

I don't know about every year, but having not seen Stratovarius, Angra, Edguy, Nightwish, Blind Guardian, Symphony X, or Sonata Arctica in years, I wouldn't exactly call having any of them back a "repeat". All of those bands have changed substantially and have put some albums between their last performances.
It's 392 tickets from a sellout. 142 tickets short of -250.

haha yup that's what I meant. Never said math was my strong point. :D

As for me not knowing what I'm talking about, with regards to promoting a festival, you're absolutely right. But have I been wrong yet? Very debateable.

Yeah it's debatable in adaher world, but in reality, you've been wrong countless times.

And you don't know what my background contains. For all you know, I have a Phd in marketing or economics or I could be a very successful small business owner. Since I have been right more often than not in the past, rather than attacking my background, you could speculate on why I've been right.

Except you haven't been right in the past. You've pretty much been horribly wrong. If you have a PHD in economics, I'd question why you say things that go against basic econ 101 principles. If you run a successful company, props to you, but it's conjecture. I go by what's said on here, not what goes on in your life.

I don't know about every year, but having not seen Stratovarius, Angra, Edguy, Nightwish, Blind Guardian, Symphony X, or Sonata Arctica in years, I wouldn't exactly call having any of them back a "repeat". All of those bands have changed substantially and have put some albums between their last performances.

But there is no festival in the history of festivals that draws from one singular pool of 7-10 bands to headline every year. More often than not there are festivals with NO repeat performances whatsoever.
Yeah it's debatable in adaher world, but in reality, you've been wrong countless times.

Perhaps. My memory is poor. But the posts you selected didn't indicate I was right or wrong.

Except you haven't been right in the past. You've pretty much been horribly wrong

4 out of 5 PPs that I predicted would sell out did. 2 out of 3 that I predicted wouldn't, didn't. Not a perfect record, but not horrible either. And I don't have to be an expert on anything. Even if I don't know crap other than what I like, if what I like happens to be what the average on-the-fence ticketbuyer likes, then I'll be right more often than not.

But there is no festival in the history of festivals that draws from one singular pool of 7-10 bands to headline every year. More often than not there are festivals with NO repeat performances whatsoever.

Wouldn't Wacken qualify? Or is that roster so huge that it's not really comparable? And I don't think we have to have repeat headliners every year. I just think repeats are preferable to bands that aren't really prog or power bands. Glenn once said that if he did repeat headliners that he should call it "RepeatPower" or something. But this year's festival could easily be renamed "ThrashOddball".
I agree to all of that except shutting the fuck up. I reserve the right to make myself look like an idiot in the future.

I'm not going to go back and forth with you on the individual points. The final outcome is all that matters whether that be this week or the day before the festival starts. I do have to smile about at negativity brought up at over 50% of tickets being sold within 10 hrs.

ProgPower USA = high standards baby!

As for the bet, you are going to have bring a bit more to the party. I'm willing to put up $126 ($140 if you count TM charges) per year and tell the world how awesome of a guy you are if you are right. You just want to give me $100 if I'm right? Seems a bit out of balance....

Glenn once said that if he did repeat headliners that he should call it "RepeatPower" or something. But this year's festival could easily be renamed "ThrashOddball".
Repeating history over and over is a recipe for failure. Diversity and progression in the rosters we can only hope will keep this fucking fantastic festival alive for many years to come. New blood is vital to keep anything alive. Stagnancy is death.
I thought so too, but you offered..:)

And being right wouldn't make me an awesome guy. Even an idiot can be right if his tastes just happen to match up with the tastes of the audience. Sometimes idiots outguess the experts. Just call me "stopped clock" if I'm right.
Perhaps. My memory is poor. But the posts you selected didn't indicate I was right or wrong.

They don't indicate that you're right, that's for sure. The fest has been onsale for 10 hours and they're already halfway to selling out. Do you really think that 250 tickets will remain the day before because you personally don't like the bands playing this year? I mean REALLY?

4 out of 5 PPs that I predicted would sell out did. 2 out of 3 that I predicted wouldn't, didn't. Not a perfect record, but not horrible either. And I don't have to be an expert on anything. Even if I don't know crap other than what I like, if what I like happens to be what the average on-the-fence ticketbuyer likes, then I'll be right more often than not.

Predicting whether something will sell out or won't is not THAT hard, but it's pretty bold to say it's not going to sell out and there will still be 250 tickets left over considering how huge of a draw some of these bands are.

Wouldn't Wacken qualify? Or is that roster so huge that it's not really comparable? And I don't think we have to have repeat headliners every year. I just think repeats are preferable to bands that aren't really prog or power bands. Glenn once said that if he did repeat headliners that he should call it "RepeatPower" or something. But this year's festival could easily be renamed "ThrashOddball".

Correct, when your festival has like 60+ bands you're going to have some repeats every year because you can't get everyone you want every year due to schedules and the like. That being said, Wacken changes it up pretty well even in the face of having such a large and daunting task of selling 70,000+ tickets and booking that many bands.

I'm sorry you don't like Sanctuary or Arcturus (I do very much), and feel as though maybe the the festival is compromised because those bands are not flower-power metal or whatever. But the reality is that those bands have a lot of buzz and hype going around them and will draw alot of people. New people, but people. And if you were an econ PHD you'd realize that the intention for drawing new people comes out of necessity. That the same people for the past 10 years aren't returning with the same frequency as before.

Ultimately it's a metal festival, and there are metal bands playing. It's not like the integrity of the fest is ruined or something. He booked bands that a lot of people found awesome and have a lot of hype going around them (Sanctuary is arguably more hyped than Hammerfall or Edguy right now, that's for sure). Deal man.
I thought so too, but you offered..:)

And being right wouldn't make me an awesome guy. Even an idiot can be right if his tastes just happen to match up with the tastes of the audience. Sometimes idiots outguess the experts. Just call me "stopped clock" if I'm right.

I extended the olive branch while offering you the chance to back up your words...and you come back with *that* smartass, condescending garbage?

You just took the term "asshole" to an entire new level on this forum.

You can come back in a month and check on the status of things as there is no fucking way you deserve to stick around here.
And if you were an econ PHD you'd realize that the intention for drawing new people comes out of necessity. That the same people for the past 10 years aren't returning with the same frequency as before.

Thank you. I simply don't understand why ticket audits and actual observation every year don't mean anything to some. Even if I return to a plain prog/power formula next year, I will have a new, larger pool to draw people from based on the new infusion this year.
It's bad when someone has to be smacked down by AeonicSlumber. And epically smacked down, I might add. SO. MUCH. WIN.
Also, I would like to proclaim AeonicSlumber as my personal scratching post. No one else may use him as a scratching post except me. And maybe Glenn, since it's bad form to tell the bossman "no."

I think the current state of ticket sales is wonderful. I'm confident in a sell out. In fact, I would hazard a bet that they might sell out by next Saturday. Which I hope they do. That should shut a few people up. :)
I extended the olive branch while offering you the chance to back up your words...and you come back with *that* smartass, condescending garbage?

You just took the term "asshole" to an entire new level on this forum.

You can come back in a month and check on the status of things as there is no fucking way you deserve to stick around here.

I could be wrong about this, but I read his comment as referring to *himself* as the idiot, and you as the expert. Consider:

And being right wouldn't make adaher an awesome guy. Even adaher can be right if his tastes just happen to match up with the tastes of the audience. Sometimes adaher outguesses the Harvester.

He's still not right (as usual), and he's gotten away with more than enough BS, so I'm not necessarily against the ban, but I think that particular comment was misunderstood.
Wow, I dont log on here in a few days and come back to a swift kick to the balls. Jeez!
I want to say to Glenn, NOTHING will please me more than to have a serving of humble pie, and hope this does indeed sell out. I have been helping support this festival (Atleast 4 Gold Badges EVERY year for the last 6 years) for a while and DO NOT want to see it come to an end anytime soon. I have made a several posts since predicting 250 short of a sell out. MANY things have happened since that original post. My disappointment in next years line up was a bit.....lets say..... premature. First, I've had time to do my homework on several of the bands and have come to enjoy several of them I didnt much care for at first listen. Actually, I can hardly get enough of 3 of them, WHW, Voyager, and Creations End. I already knew and really liked only 2 bands at the announcement, Mob Rules and Dream Evil.
Second, The addition of Evergrey and Vanden Plas to the showcase hopefully will be enough to grab some of the "old school" PP crowd. Not to mention the acoustic shows! Evergrey is one of my ALL TIME fav's. At trip to Atlanta for them alone is worth it to me. Hell, I still have my unused ticket stub to the Atlanta show that never happened 2 years ago. I guess I'm one of the few that has NEVER been dissappointed in a Evergrey release.
Next, the addition of Darkwater was icing on the cake to me. I can't wait to see these guys.
I have never been one to attack someone on this forum. Ok, well, one time so sue me. He was attacking a band I dearly love, so I got a bit ticked, bygones. Anyway, I dont make posts very often, my opinion differs GREATLY from MANY users on here. So, I get alot of grief or get ignored most of the time. To the people who offer opinions about this festival who have never attended, all I can say is someone can hear about this festival all day long, but never understand what its like to attend. It truely is a magical experience and I have nothing but repect and admiration for Glenn and his staff who pull it off every year. Obviously, my original post must've ruffled Glenns feathers, for that I say, Sorry Glenn. What I posted about what people around me were saying at the line up announcement was true. I too was not pleased at that time. But, one thing I have come to accept(and enjoy) is getting to know the bands I had never heard of.
Everyone has an opinion, and if this sells out, I will be so glad mine was wrong.
Thank you Ixrayu. Your response was very classy. I hope you took my original post as a humorous jab and nothing more. I respected your opinion at the time because of the way you handled yourself in the original discussion back in September. Nothing has changed that.

As for adaher, I would agree that you & Bob are right. I do appear to have misread his post. However, I'm not removing the temporary ban. I have a very high tolerance for folks that I disagree with around here. I have only banned 2 individuals permanently since this forum's inception. Adaher has a history of being critical of the roster selection when it does not suit his tastes. I can handle those type of posts to a certain extent. However, he continues to infer that his "ticket purchase pattern" outweighs all of the knowledge and insight that I have gained over the years. His eloquence and self-depreciating humor was an attempt to smooth things over without changing his position (yet refusing to wager if it was going to make him look bad in public). You can put icing on a turd to pretty it up & make it smell better, but it's still a turd.

This thread was directed to ixrayu. I quoted him. I did not bring adaher's name into this discussion despite his participation in the original thread. His very first post in this thread was with the intent to slam me. He actually went back 5 years to find a quote and make a comparison to how he was right then and I was wrong. I wasn't wrong at the time I said that and we ended up 6 tickets short of a sell-out that year. While a fast sell-out is nice, the final total is what matters. I would say that I ended up being right and that his non-purchase of a ticket was irrelevant.

It's like talking to a wall. I stacked last year with traditional prog/power bands with two of the bigger names in power metal. Kamelot was peaking and Hammerfall had an established history. Hell, the secondary slots were also power bands with a history (NRites was pushed via Century Media & Tarot had Marco and his Nightwish connection going for him). That roster was praised. And guess what...I went down to the wire to get that to sell-out. The only reason it did was because I split the tickets up and made a big advertising push to the local Atlanta market in the last month (with the final 25 tickets discounted). The "if it ain't broke/don't fix it" philosophy is bullshit. Have folks not noticed the touring trend? Helloween..Gamma Ray..Stratovarius..Edguy? You are not seeing an increase in ticket sales for their respective tours. Perhaps things will come full circle in a few years. Those type of bands tour less and less and you end up only being able to see them in Atlanta like in the old days. That may lead to a dramatic increase of the old guard returning. Who knows...

One bad year and I'm out. It's that simple. That may seem crazy to some, but I have already went through hell when I first built this thing and I'm not going back. I'm not taking the Steve Carlton path to retirement. Call me George Brett.

I'll be honest. I'm human. It really bothers me to read negativity. We work our asses off to make this festival a success. We stress tremendously over every dollar spent. There is no room for error. I'm not Clear Channel. I don't have deep pockets. I try to give folks unprecedented insight to how the business works. I strive to create a family atmosphere and brand loyalty. The only thing I ask for in return is respect in my own house. Don't get me wrong though...I welcome constructive criticism and debate on bands. Just don't tell me how to run my own business....
If I ever hit the damn lottery you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll provide Glenn with at least one year where he doesn't have to cough up a dime. Even if I don't hit the lottery, I'll support this festival to the end. :)