Man o man o man.
Ok here goes <big breath> - wait isn't this like an annual thing?!...

Most of you know in the Nevermore forum we had some trolling that happened there and with Children of Bodom forum. I addressed it, I looked up the culprits as best I could, Eric was one of them granted he only posted I think once. I talked with him and warned him trolling isn't tolerated, there was no ban, since I had no issues with him prior to that (I don't
think he was banned then).
I had continuing issues with some scumwats trolling CoB forum 2 more times, real mature, I know. This shit takes me time to deal with, plus there are younger kids in that forum as well who I don't much care seeing scat, goatse etc etc on this forum, regardless of the band. That reflects on the site as a whole and it's just not cool to put me (or others) in that kind of situation. I've actually had a kid complain to me that they got in trouble for having that ont he screen before while surfing the forums and got a bunch of hell from their parents.
So it happened again, New Years or Christmas I can't recall (heck I think it was both), and I showed multiple fake accounts tied to other users. Between using a few different methods, I had to make a best judgment call and ban those accounts that were responsible.
I can't take the time to call 411, hire detectives, call the X-Men, snoop around, etc etc to determine the user accounts of folks who can't handle their liquor and have nothing better to do than troll UM when they're drunk, with their or their pals accounts.
Most of the time, the innocent parties will email or PM me and explain things away, and I usually unban them after talking with them. I never heard squat from Eric after the ban, or it could have easily (and quickly) been handled.
I don't recall why I banned Moose for 5 days, I don't think it was picture posting but text trolling CoB. This is the first I am hearing that he was the one who was in EricT account (I thought it was retarded or metalskater to be honest). Same with what you said Derek (sp?) - if retarded indeed wasn't the one who did it that is all news to me as I have never heard from him since.
This all said.......
I don't appreciate when folks troll other band forums on this site. It takes me time to hassle with, it doesn't reflect good on UM, some bands have even left in the past because of issues like this as well. I realize there are some youngsters on this site who's maturity level hasn't quite "gotten there" and I always keep that in mind when dealing with bannable issues. But some of the people doing this trolling, just amazes me that they have nothing better to do with their time to be honest. I've never got what the thrill of doing that kind of crap is, especially when all the posts are always deleted (which is why noone sees WHY people are banned most of the time, I delete the posts).
Most of you all should know me by now. You know that the last thing I want to screw around with is dealing with having to baby sit individuals and ban folks but sometimes I'm not left with a choice, as was with those picture postings (repeated). I'm the easiest dude in the world to get along with and about as friggin' casual as a guy you'll find. Treat the site with respect, and I don't care how you insult me, how you attack me etc. (Reign you know this to be fact!) - I don't get my feelings hurt with people's opinions of me. It's when something is done that affects this site in a negative way that we have problems.
SO - Eric has been unbanned. Moose... I don't know what to say (how old are you again?!), speaks for itself I guess that you would not man up and have Eric unbanned from all this, if it was indeed you. Some "pal" - also it is true I was going to unban Moose from Nevermore, that same night even...
Hope this clears things up (drama!).