Hey Majestik Moose

The story is something like:

- Moose hacked into EricT's account and went trolling
- Moose also trolled under his own username but not quite as severe
- Deron banned Moose for 5 days and EricT permanently
- Being a good lad, Eric won't tattle on Moose and so takes the ban
- Moose won't fess up to Deron and tell him Eric is 'innocent'

you gotta be shitting me ... point us to the spam posts
The only remnants are basically this post of Deron's

metalages said:
FYI about last night's couple - it wasn't the user that posted who actually did it, but someone else used his name. That's why you shouldn't share your account info with anyone.
I think it follows suit to the previous chain of absurdist Nevermore board drama:

retarded penguin getting banned for EricT and Metalskater (and Moose?) trolling his account
metalskater getting banned for EricT and Retarded Penguin (and Moose?) trolling his account
and then EricT for Moose (just Moose this time I guess?) trolling his account

and Moose doesn't get the womenz so the gods call it even
That explains the time I had dinner with both of them and each one kept getting up to go to the bathroom, with neither being at the table at the same time.