Wow, a decent topic for the nabs like me

I've got couple of questions for you buddy..Here they come..
1- This is my latest project..As i dont have any reference monitors and use an AKG K55 headphone, i'm also using a plug-in called "112dB Redline Monitor", which gives a depthness and stereo image unto my recordings..BUT, when i apply it into any record, it sound kinda weird in most sound systems, but sounds very perfect in ear/headphones..When i dont apply it, it sounds crap in headphones, but sounds good in any other sound systems..Here are the with and without versions of the same song..Can you tell me, which one is better and why? Everything is same in both tracks, i just bypassed the vst redline.mp3 redline.mp3
2- I'm making my guitar tracks like this: open an FX Channel in Nuendo-> press F4 and go fx-channel options-> right click and "separate into mono tracks"-> create two audio tracks and name them "right" and "left"-> route their outputs into this fx-channels separate right/left channels-> insert POD Farm and other dynamic things as fx -> Voila, two tracks bound in one common track, a system-friendly solution..
YET, i'm questioning myself, if i'm doing right with this..As u may hear, the track "without redline" sounds "scattered", u know, on the contrast, "with the redline" sounds more "tidy".. Without this plugin, how can i make it sound "tidy"? Most probably, u have way better headphones and speakers than mine and you can easily tell me what is/are wrong with these tracks..Also they sound kinda "weak", which frequencies should be boosted to make it stronger?
Waiting for your answers man, see ya..