This is the thread for everything<--- Post here

Poor Misanthrope. So many people mocking him. :(

I'm quite sure he's really a large, fluffy, cute white mouse who sits at the computer all day, snarling at us as he's jealous. We're humans and he's only a super intelligent mouse.
I'll protect you, Misanthrope. Us rodents have to stick together!

BTW: I have weird crushes on various board members (not our large mouse though). Guess that makes me a psycho.
No, large. Like those stuffed beanie baby mice. Like Cheezor (the one who lives in my drawer).

Oh BTW: I wanted to make a thread proclaiming my love for Andreas, since the RC board is down. He may see it here...

I <3 Andreas.
good. i'm waiting to read very deep comments about the nature of everything under a spiritual, philosophical, logical, and mathematical pov here. for instance, do you think that nothing is part of everything?
@mousewings: Since the RC board is down, you should get here (or send me, if it's too much trouble for you) and find Andreas' house and stalk him.

@everyone: Nothing is that which is not everything. So nothing is.. pretty much nothing.
With this kind of logic, since i'm addressing you and you are everyone, i must be noone. The noone is me, hehe... ;)

@santtu & li: my problem is that a lot of hair comes off when i wash it, and with it being long it seems like it is even more. the result of all those hairs gathered together is pretty freaky.
edit: and no, in case you were wondering i'm not going bald, thank god i have a lot of hair. :p
La Rocque said:
If You subtract (the mathematical process of finding the difference between quantities) nothing from nothing - what are You left with -
Something? Anything? Everything? Nothing?
It doesn't matter what you started with, if you take away nothing from anything, you will remain with what you started, so the answer to that would be 'nothing' because that's what you started with ..but then again, that was everything you had you are still left with 'everything'.
The only wrong answer there is 'anything' because you did not start with anything, and after the subtraction you again will not have anything.

*offers another round of drinks*

Siren said:
With this kind of logic, since i'm addressing you and you are everyone, i must be noone. The noone is me, hehe... ;)
So all those times when I thought noone cared... cared :D

@santtu & li: my problem is that a lot of hair comes off when i wash it, and with it being long it seems like it is even more. the result of all those hairs gathered together is pretty freaky.
edit: and no, in case you were wondering i'm not going bald, thank god i have a lot of hair. :p

I made a mellow death metal song a while ago, which I recently posted on the Internet. I wrote the song about 3 years ago and recorded it a couple of months back. It has lyrics but not no vocals are laid down on the recording. It's not the best song I've ever written but here it is anyway and Im quite proud of it. I'd mega appreciate some feedback :wave:

Parasites In the Garden of Eden

i wonder what people in various countries tend to be thinking or assuming or even do, when some total foreigner goes to a regular gig (no festival) all by himself with no company o_O
i'm not bored, it just came to my mind :p
and i should sleep by now, but i don't, for the simple reason that i want to post this question right now :err: :zzz:
opacity said:
i wonder what people in various countries tend to be thinking or assuming or even do, when some total foreigner goes to a regular gig (no festival) all by himself with no company o_O
i'm not bored, it just came to my mind :p
and i should sleep by now, but i don't, for the simple reason that i want to post this question right now :err: :zzz:
I'd think that the foreigner happened to be around when the gig took place, and so he just bought a ticket...strange question, why do you want to know?