Is that time of the year lets talk about something else


Latin, NOT Mexican.
Oct 11, 2001
My House.
That time, you know when all the threads are either about the new Album on the block or all things tour, so lets talk about books. Specifically, surrealistic novels. Any recomendations?
Im not sure if it falls into your "surrealistic" category, but if I had to pick one, Id go for Albert Camus' "The Stranger"
With that said.. I should read it again sometime :p
well some surrealistic books:
here we are:

chuck palahniuk -fight club

William Burroughs -naked lunch
Vladimir Nabukov -Lolita
T.C. Boyle -Watermusic
James Joyce -Ullysses
Luke Rhinehart -The Diceman
Good, i thought of checking Burroughs out since i saw Cronenbergs adaptation ( which is mostly freeform but does has literal passages from several burroughs books afaik ). He sounds like the kinda author im interested in reading right now.
o mighty dwarf, please merge this thread with the reading list thread, delete this post of mine, and be merry. :p
why? there are so few threads anyway. we might as well have only two threads then, "dark tranquillity related stuff" and "non dt stuff"
or we could merge the "fact" thread to the "now feeling" thread
each new thread should be a reason for joy
Yes is not a "Now Reading" thread is a "Recommend me a book" thread. And by surrealism well most people have several definitions but what i mean is elements that come straight from the subconcious mind or the use of the subconcious mind to create. Kind of a dreamlike quality to the narration, elements you just wouldnt find in everyday reality, etc. I think you get the picture.

I wouldnt mind a little ( or even alot ) of deviation from standart narrative, but then again there is just so much structure you can apply to surrealism before it stops being surreal so thats kind of implied.
I recommend Hunger by Knut Hamsun. I can't really describe it but look it up on amazon if you want. It's a short read at around 200ish pages too.
ye old bible
Where to start?
Immaculate conception I guess Joseph didn't get to dust that thing off?
Virgin birth
walking on water , changing water into wine
Nailed to the cross no harm done wakes up 3 days later floats into the sky
Old school -
Guy lives in the belly of a whale
Woman takes a peek,turns into a pillar of salt
Dude gets a canoe takes 2 of everything living on the earth for a cruise
I read one of his books butat least that one didnt have anything whch would make hm "surreal" at ALL... its called bajo la estela de otoño or something like that in spanish