Enough about evil darkness........


Jul 31, 2005
Las Vegas
Lets talk about some real tours or shows that we all know are gonna definetly happen and all look forward to? Such as the upcoming Sonata Arctica tour? Does anybody have any idea yet who is gonna be the support band?
I'm a promoter on this tour and I don't even know who the f#cking opening band is! INTO ETERNITY says they are not doing it. The booking agent for the tour tells me the band is full of sh*t and that they ARE doing it. I don't know anymore and I don't care -- all I care about is the fact that I'm going to be hanging with Sonata on 1/31/2006!
SwordLord said:
I'm a promoter on this tour and I don't even know who the f#cking opening band is! INTO ETERNITY says they are not doing it. The booking agent for the tour tells me the band is full of sh*t and that they ARE doing it. I don't know anymore and I don't care -- all I care about is the fact that I'm going to be hanging with Sonata on 1/31/2006!

Well I am driving up there for your Sonata show, so we better hang out Nathan!!!!
I've seen Into Eternity live three times, will see them a fourth time this Sunday in Cleveland, and I am glad to have seen them that many times.


They've got all these new musicians, and they're anxious as hell to get back in a studio and create a new album with all this new blood in the band. I wanna hear Stu and what kind of action he can add to this band!

So they better find some kind of window of opportunity, or else they'll burn out from the road.
I know for a fact the Opeth/Nevermore will be Into Eternity's last tour this year, and they will finally be able to focus on the next album. Some of the songs have been written already (I got the chance to see one of them live) and it sounded cool. We shall see...

Edit : I vote for YES, let's keep on talking about Evil Darkness Tour... I mean, why the hell not? =P
JosephAcevedo said:
Lets talk about some real tours or shows that we all know are gonna definetly happen and all look forward to? Such as the upcoming Sonata Arctica tour? Does anybody have any idea yet who is gonna be the support band?

I 2nd that motion!