Shame is, it's a really good idea overplayed and not planned out well. Come on!
Do a theater tour this year and an arena tour later! Stop trying to win it all now when you can get it all later and bring all the metal fans on board! (falling on deaf ears no doubt.)
Stingray11214 said:
Then why would Alex Krull, a BUSINESSMAN, deal with him? You would have to be really stupid to deal or sign a contract with a kid unless you checked him out.

It happens ALL the time. Businesses make bad decisions all the time. They see some pretty presentation explaining how countless people will be falling all over themselves to give the business their money, and BOOM! you have a business investing in a lame-assed idea.
Why don't you guys just read the link I posted in my last post on this thread? It might make this look a lot more likely.

Ray C.
I read that before. Went back and started reading it again, but then I remembered what it said. I don't buy it. Maybe that's what's gonna happen, but I don't think most people can be that devious successfully (except on TV). Even if that's what's going on in the background, there are probably plenty of things that could go wrong and make the whole thing fall apart.
AMBR said:
Shame is, it's a really good idea overplayed and not planned out well. Come on!

I was writing about my enjoyment of Atrocity's music, not the business planning.
Ruthven said:
I was writing about my enjoyment of Atrocity's music, not the business planning.
I wasn't quoting or referring to your post. I was only referring to my frustration in his poor business planning. Peace.