We need something else to talk about

News chicks in Phoenix are either butt ugly or made of plastic. My TV is grateful that Ilona Carson moved away, but doesn't know what to do about Faye Fredericks.

And I was going to buy my son a Gamecube for his birthday, because he loves to play it at my mom's house, but I decided against it because he's already obsessed with the computer, and I don't want to deal with a 4-year-old couch potato. There's plenty of time for that when he's a teenager who does the opposite of what his mother tells him to (i.e. Go out and play). I might go ahead and get him one for Christmas, but for his birthday he'll have to settle for seeing the Wiggles.
OneManStandsThrax said:
Ok now that Wu has made it clear no one is leaving.....

Did he confirm? I missed that...

OneManStandsThrax said:
Does anyone on here think that Kiran Chetry on Fox news is one hot babe???

I'm kinda sweet on Julie Chen myself :blush:
Fox and Friends is the best morning news show. THe women are so hot, and most wear miniskirts and risk flashing the camera all morning long. Keeps me glued to the TV for hours.
robbobrob said:
Fox and Friends is the best morning news show. THe women are so hot, and most wear miniskirts and risk flashing the camera all morning long. Keeps me glued to the TV for hours.

Yes I spend the weekends watching them naughty news gals(in the other room cuz my boy has to watch his cartoons)

Sometimes I worry I have a problem cuz I go online and find pictures of them, but then I realize I don't dedicate web pages to it so I think I am still alright..........................

for now
remington69 said:
It takes away from the car jacking and hooker killing.

I have yet to finish Vice City based soley on those two activities. I have way more fun listening to V-ROCK and running ppl down then I think I should.:hypno:

I finished the Punisher last night though. Awesome game.