We need something else to talk about


Married with Children
Nov 20, 2003
Ok now that Wu has made it clear no one is leaving, lets talk about something else.

I will start and I hope this goes in the direction intended.

Does anyone on here think that Kiran Chetry on Fox news is one hot babe????
I have been reading and not posting much latley, but am just really sick of reading about rumors.

Now I am really bored and don't know what else to write about. Any NBA fans out there??? What do you think about my wolves firing flip??

I'm not sure who Kiran Chetry is? But if you say she's hot, I'll believe you. Here's a good topic for you all, anyone check out Resident Evil 4 yet for the Gamecube? It's incredible and if you have a gamecube you should run not walk to a store right away to get it. What else is on your mind?


August "AugDawg" Witzgall
Post a link with her picture, dude. I don't know who she is. I just get basic.
And it's good to see you two guys posting today!
augdawg2 said:

Here's a good topic for you all, anyone check out Resident Evil 4 yet for the Gamecube?

I've read excellent things about that RE4. One reviewer said he'd have rated it Game Of the Year, if it came out before January!
I don't have it. I did e-mail Charlie about it. He's really busy these days, but he said he might have to get this game.
So, if the next Anthrax CD is delayed, it's all my fault.
ThraxDude said:
I've read excellent things about that RE4. One reviewer said he'd have rated it Game Of the Year, if it came out before January!
I don't have it. I did e-mail Charlie about it. He's really busy these days, but he said he might have to get this game.
So, if the next Anthrax CD is delayed, it's all my fault.

I will be holding you personally responsible!!! Ha

Here is a Linkhttp://
ThraxDude said:
I've read excellent things about that RE4. One reviewer said he'd have rated it Game Of the Year, if it came out before January!
I don't have it. I did e-mail Charlie about it. He's really busy these days, but he said he might have to get this game.
So, if the next Anthrax CD is delayed, it's all my fault.


This could be the game that make people buy a GameCube, it's really that good! Let me give you a scenario that I was playing the other night on the RE4. I found the preseidents daughter(on the game), and it quickly jumped to a cinematic where about 50 to 60 of the possesed villagers came with torches and forced Leon and the Presidents daughter into a lone cabin. You are then forced to use almost every weapon you have in your inventory to blast away 50 to 60 of these villagers in the house. All the windows are getting smashed out, as you keep reloading and shooting bad guy after bad guy. The graphics are second to none, as the blood flows, splatters, and flies about every direction imaginable. The good news is I'm only 50% done with the game and I already feel like I've played through 2 Resident Evil games in a row! I hope Charlie gets this game and leaves it on the tour bus so there are no delays on the new album but if the album is delayed because of this game, I wouldn't be surprised or I wouldn't blame him cause the game is that good.


August "AugDawg" Witzgall
Damn. I'd fuck her.
And I need that game! I'm still playing Knights Of The Old Republic II.
anyone know what the new grand theft auto is like??? it looks kinda like a gang bangers type a game. Vice city kicked ass so I might give it a try
OneManStandsThrax said:
anyone know what the new grand theft auto is like??? it looks kinda like a gang bangers type a game. Vice city kicked ass so I might give it a try

Hey if you liked Vice City, you'll love San Andreus. I have a friend that was in love with Vice City, and he actually told me that the new Grand Theft Auto blew Vice City away if you can believe that!


augdawg2 said:
Hey if you liked Vice City, you'll love San Andreus. I have a friend that was in love with Vice City, and he actually told me that the new Grand Theft Auto blew Vice City away if you can believe that!



I was playing my friend's copy and the gaming area is HUGE! He's only unlocked two areas and it takes forever to get around. The only thing I didn't like was the SIMS aspect of it. There are different levels you keep up by working out, eating, macking on chicks. It takes away from the car jacking and hooker killing.