hey Pyrus you faggot, get in here!

1) I'll look for it next time I'm at Borders. Info?

2) He's some cuntstain from the COB board with a sweaty mancrush on Alexi Laiho, who thinks talking shit to 15 year-old girls makes him a big man. Also he's twice the WoW fag I've ever been, and that's sad.

3) Did you miss my "lizard, you faggot, etc" thread in which I discussed how awesome those Grey Keyes books are?
Pyrus said:
1) I'll look for it next time I'm at Borders. Info?
not yet in paperback

dude gets jobbed out of his arranged landholding and then all hell breaks loose. lots of tournament to the death goodness

Pyrus said:
3) Did you miss my "lizard, you faggot, etc" thread in which I discussed how awesome those Grey Keyes books are?

when was this, I totally missed it! glad you liked em tho
Pyrus said:
No paperback? Then I will sit there and read it without paying for it.

Yeah, I posted the thread a couple months ago. Very impressive books, sort of the ASOIAF of adventure fantasy as opposed to political intrigue. Neil MeqVren is one fucking badass.
yup good characters. apparently Keyes paid his dues writing Star Trek or Star Wars novels or some such but he's awesome with original material.